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Episode 260: 10X Your Confidence with Styling Secrets from LA Stylist Tina Choi

Jan 21, 2025

There's something I've come to realize over this past year. It's one of those things you kind of know, but you don't really know until you for sure know. And it's this... what you put on your body has an astronomical impact on how you feel in your body.

Personally, my style has been all over the map over the years. For a long time I wanted to put no effort into the way I looked (a rebellion against my mom's passion for looking immaculate at all times).

Then I swung hard in the other direction, wearing...

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Episode 172: 13 Habits to Improve Your Self Esteem - Part 1

Oct 04, 2022

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Confidence is not a personality trait. It is a skill. And everyone has the ability to hone it. 

And it's important that we do. Because our self-esteem impacts every area of our life. It impacts...

  • Our romantic relationships - are you avoiding physical intimacy because you're self conscious about your body?
  • Our platonic relationships - are you not setting healthy boundaries because you struggle with people pleasing?
  • Our work - are you not asking for that promotion or starting that business...
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