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Follow Your Gut

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Episode 98: 5 Essential Habits to Build Unshakeable Confidence

Apr 13, 2021

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Last week, I posted a pretty serious video calling out the men who were doing the virtual version of cat-calling on my TikTok channel (see the video above).

Now if you follow me on social media, you know this video was a far cry from my usual bubbly, happy-go-lucky content. But I knew in my heart it was necessary.

And that knowing was validated when one week later I had almost 40,000 views and over 500 comments from women sharing their stories of abusive men, fear, and bullies.

Thanking me for standing up,...

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Episode 39: Choosing Fierce Over Fear with Natalia Maravi

Feb 25, 2020

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In this week's episode, I was super excited to sit down with DivaDance North Dallas studio owner, Natalia Maravi. Listen in to hear her inspiring story of going from a newbie dancer at 26 years old, to dance fitness instructor, to studio owner in just a matter of years.

Her story is not that of an overnight success, or of privilege, or of certainty in her path. No, hers is a story demonstrating the power of baby steps, listening to your intuition, and stepping into the unknown to unleash a career...

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Episode 35: 5 Ways to Practice Courage Daily So You Can Chase the Life You Want

Jan 28, 2020

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"I have not ceased being fearful, but I have ceased to let fear control me." - Erica Jong

1. When you have an opinion, say it! Especially when someone asks.

2. Be unapologetically you.

3. Own your mistakes. 

4. Take one small action towards your biggest, scariest, most important goal every single day. Even when you're not ready. No, especially when you're not ready.

5. Ask for what you want. In bed, in business, in friendships, and even in restaurants.

For my bonus tip on what to do every...

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Episode 23: 5 Mental Flips to Overcome the Fear of Judgement

Nov 05, 2019

Be honest, how many times have you let other people's opinions steer your life in one direction or another? 

Tens of times? Hundreds of times? Thousands of times?

How would your life look different right now had you followed your own heart, your own intuition, that internal compass that pulls you towards decisions that you may not even understand in the moment?

Would you be in a different job? A different relationship? A different state?

Would you have started that blog, or that Etsy shop, or that online course?

Would you be...

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