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Episode 208: Overcoming Food Fear - Part 2

Aug 08, 2023

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Last week we talked about what steps you can take to start overcoming your food fears whether they be eating bananas, enjoying carbs, not tracking every morsel you eat, and the like. 

But there was one step that needed its own episode: debunking the lies that made you fearful in the first place. 

So much of our anxiety around food comes from inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information. So it's time to set the record straight. 

Myth #1: If it has a high glycemic index it...

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Episode 207: Overcoming Food Fear - Part 1

Aug 01, 2023

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Let me tell you the story of how I had my dream car for 5 days. 

My jetta was totaled and on my hunt for a new car I came across a beautiful mini cooper at Carmax. It was a convertible with a silver exterior, gorgeous plaid interior, and shockingly in my budget. 

I drove it off the lot, windows down, my favorite music playing, and I felt like I had made it. 

But as the week went on something interesting happened. 

I constantly worried about it. 

I worried...

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Episode 90: Overcoming Post-Keto Carb Fear

Feb 16, 2021

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I can't begin to tell you how many clients come to me post-keto, sick and tired of following such a restrictive diet, looking for a more balanced, sustainable way to lose weight, but unable to shake the fear of carbs that keto instilled in them. 

What I find food fear truly stems from is either a lack of information, or misinformation spread about a particular food (and keto has mastered the art of misinformation). 

So let's clear some things up around how carbs actually affect the...

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