Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
This week we continue the conversation of how to get yourself to a better place when it feels like life is just... heavy.
If you missed part one, click here to take a listen, otherwise go ahead and dive right in!
Again, there will probably be a lot of resistance here. But working out is such a fantastic way to shift you into a better state of mind for so many reasons. You get a boost of happiness hormones like dopamine, you increase your energy, you get to listen to that badass...
Raise your hand if...
Over the past 2.5 years I have felt almost all of these at one point or another.
Until my friend invited me to a private speakeasy event that was hosted by...
I thought I had my shit together.
I mean honestly... I had stopped dating assholes, I was a generally pretty happy person, I had a thriving business, and a good family.
So why the hell did I need to see a therapist?
Because somewhere along the way I realized fear was running almost every part of my life.
Sure on the outside everything seemed fine, even to me!
But upon closer inspection (which let's face it, the pandemic kind of forced us into such reflection), I realized that I...
I wanted to spend the last couple of weeks preparing you to be successful with your new year's resolutions.
But before we launch into the next 12 months of learning and growing together, I wanted to pause and take a look back at 2021, and share with you some of the most important lessons I've learned.
These are the tools, the realizations, the perspective shifts that were born of a year of therapy, a year of researching, and a year of trying a new approach to a lot of areas of my life.
I hope this...