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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 212: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting

Oct 03, 2023

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I forgot what it was like... carrying weight on your body that you don't want to be there. 

I remembered it in theory.

I remember pinching my stomach with frustration. I remember folding my arms over my torso every time I sat down to hide the rolls. I remember hating sit ups because it made my pooch more pronounced. I remember working out twice a day hoping it would fix the problem. 

But what I forgot are all the emotions you experience on a minute-by-minute basis. 

I forgot that...

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Episode 211: 6 Holistic Habits for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Sep 12, 2023

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I recently had someone reach out on Instagram asking how to manage cholesterol without using statins (a woman after my own heart trying to avoid medication whenever possible).

And while this hasn't historically been a focus of mine - hence this being my first episode on the subject - I realized I've gotten a number of clients off their cholesterol medication without that even being a specific goal!

Because spoiler alert, the advice I'm going to share with you here is the same advice I...

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Episode 210: What Exactly IS 'Functional Nutrition'??

Aug 29, 2023

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Do you ever feel like your body has turned against you?

I know I have. 

Through hypothyroidism, hashimotos, acne, leaky gut, SIBO, h pylori, mold, candida, and hair loss, my own health journey has felt like a torturous game of wack-a-mole. As soon as one symptom drops off another pops up, and it's been hard not to resent my body for it. 

But if there's one thing I've learned as a functional nutrition practitioner and patient it's this: symptoms, be they fatigue, brain fog,...

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Episode 209: From Burnout to Bliss... Holistically Healing Adrenal Fatigue

Aug 22, 2023

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This episode is for my mom.

Like me, she's dealt with years of mystery health issues. She's gone to countless doctors, tried hundreds of supplements, dozens of diets, and only ever experiences relief for short periods of time. 

But among her many tests, the one that sticks out to me is that her adrenals are absolutely shot. And if there is one thing that will put a halt to any healing, it's burned out adrenals. 

She told me about this months ago, so why am I only just writing this...

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Episode 208: Overcoming Food Fear - Part 2

Aug 08, 2023

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Last week we talked about what steps you can take to start overcoming your food fears whether they be eating bananas, enjoying carbs, not tracking every morsel you eat, and the like. 

But there was one step that needed its own episode: debunking the lies that made you fearful in the first place. 

So much of our anxiety around food comes from inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information. So it's time to set the record straight. 

Myth #1: If it has a high glycemic index it...

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Episode 207: Overcoming Food Fear - Part 1

Aug 01, 2023

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Let me tell you the story of how I had my dream car for 5 days. 

My jetta was totaled and on my hunt for a new car I came across a beautiful mini cooper at Carmax. It was a convertible with a silver exterior, gorgeous plaid interior, and shockingly in my budget. 

I drove it off the lot, windows down, my favorite music playing, and I felt like I had made it. 

But as the week went on something interesting happened. 

I constantly worried about it. 

I worried...

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Episode 206: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Healing: 9 Powerful Ways Castor Oil Boosts Your Wellbeing

Jul 25, 2023

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In the realm of natural remedies, castor oil has long been praised for its therapeutic properties and health benefits. Derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis), it's been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments and promote overall well-being.

I'll be honest, there are certain health practices that I've tended to glaze over as a practitioner and castor oil packs have fallen into that category for a long time.

That is until I recently discovered I have...

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Episode 205: Why Am I ALWAYS Tired??

Jul 18, 2023


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“Energizer bunny” “sunshine girl” “enthusiastic” “perky”.

These are the words my friends use to describe me these days. But that was NOT always the case. 

For years I could get 10 hours of sleep and still be dragging ass. No amount of coffee or naps could remove the dark cloud of fatigue that hung over me day in and day out. 

And that fatigue robbed me of so much life, so many experiences. In college...

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Episode 204: Is Leaky Gut to Blame for Autoimmune Disease?

Jul 11, 2023

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 I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid) as a sophomore in college. 

I got the call from my doctor while I was standing outside Mother's Market. I remember the shock hit first. Then I forcefully pushed the tears down that threatened to embarrass me in public. 

I thought it was a life sentence. Something that would keep me stuck dealing with fatigue, stubborn weight, and hair loss for the rest of my life. 


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Episode 203: Getting to the Root of Menopause Belly

Jul 04, 2023

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Last week I was chatting with a new client who was struggling with a serious case of menopause belly. 

You know that little (or not so little) tire of fat that forms around your midsection when you hit menopause that seems to defy the laws of weight loss??

The one that resists every diet attempt and workout routine? (Because hot flashes, low libido, and poor sleep aren’t bad enough, am I right??)

While I’m sure you’re familiar with the fact that hormonal changes...

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