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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 236: Paralyzed by Information Overload? 6 Steps to Get Back into Action!

Jun 11, 2024


Over the past few weeks I've had a few newer clients come up against a similar obstacle, one I'm sure you've probably experienced yourself: information overload that has you totally freezing up. 

You're bombarded with ads for dozens of supplements, all with promises of a quick fix for your stubborn weight, your low energy, your poor digestion, your thinning hair, your aging skin, and the like.

You see experts touting wildly different diets so convincingly you can't figure out which is the right one. 


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Episode 228: When Life Gets in The Way of Your Healthy Habits (Part 1)

Mar 26, 2024

If there is one common trajectory every one of my clients follows it's this: they start off highly motivated and excited to get started, they stay totally dialed into the process and are pushed forward by the results they see, and then inevitably they hit a wall.

A parent gets sick. 

An unexpected move happens. 

A child goes through a tough time. 

A big trip comes up. 

The school year starts. 

Their spouse gets let go. 

They start a new job. 

They run into a busy season.

What determines my clients'...

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Episode 220: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 3)

Jan 02, 2024

In this 3-part series I'm taking the confusion and overwhelm out of nutrition by sharing some universal truths about the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and, fat (and how too much or too little of each will impact the body).

Plus we'll dive into some very basic habits anyone and everyone would benefit from adopting! 

In case you missed it, here's part 1 on protein and here's part 2 on fat, pop on back and listen before diving into today's episode!

Macronutrient #3: Carbs

Carbs are broken down into glucose in...

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Episode 219: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 2)

Dec 12, 2023

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In this 3-part series I'm taking the confusion and overwhelm out of nutrition by sharing some universal truths about the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and, fat (and how too much or too little of each will impact the body).

Plus we'll dive into some very basic habits anyone and everyone would benefit from adopting! 

If you missed episode 1, pop on back and listen to that before diving into today's episode!

Macronutrient #2: Fat

Fat is an essential nutrient that our body needs to operate at its...

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Episode 166: WE REBRANDED! Welcome to Follow Your Gut!

Aug 16, 2022

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I'm going to be real with you... this is not the podcast episode I had planned for today.

Last week I wrote a fantastic guide on how to ramp up your immune system naturally as we head into fall and another covid wave. 

However, when my co-host Gio and I went to record it this morning... poof! The guide was gone. 

But we roll with the punches here and my girl Gio came to the rescue with a great idea while my tech guys tried to find my missing blog post.

You may have noticed that a couple of weeks...

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Episode 155: Common Sense Weight Loss Advice That Is NOT Common Practice

May 31, 2022

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Do you ever feel like weight loss should not be so hard?

I agree. 

I think the world of fad diets with all its contradictory advice has made it seem impossible to make the 'right' food choices. 

Hell, if you listened to all the weight loss advice out there you wouldn't be able to eat sugar, meat, veggies, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, carbs, or fat... sooooo breatharian?

All of this confusing info has also made us hyper-focus on the things that really don't make...

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Episode 144: What Causes Weight Loss Plateaus and How to Break Through

Mar 15, 2022

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Weight loss plateaus. 

They are annoying. Frustrating. Defeating. Discouraging. And all around sucky. 

They also are inevitable on any weight loss journey, so instead of fighting the unavoidable, let's understand why they happen and what you can do to get that scale moving again (without doing anything you're going to regret later).

Why do plateaus happen?

When you start to lose weight you tend to lose it quickly because - spoiler alert - a good amount of it is water weight. Initially your body...

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Episode 102: Overeating: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

May 11, 2021

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Do you ever feel out of control around food? You know you should watch your portions and eat mindfully, but you can't help it. One spoonful after another, long after your body is satisfied, you continue to shovel. 

Maybe it starts with your dinner. Then you want something crunchy and salty so you mow through a bag of chips. But then you need something sweet to balance it out so you plow through a sleeve of Oreos. And before you know it, you're flopped on the couch, groaning in discomfort with your jeans...

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