Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
This week we continue the conversation of how to get yourself to a better place when it feels like life is just... heavy.
If you missed part one, click here to take a listen, otherwise go ahead and dive right in!
Again, there will probably be a lot of resistance here. But working out is such a fantastic way to shift you into a better state of mind for so many reasons. You get a boost of happiness hormones like dopamine, you increase your energy, you get to listen to that badass...
For the full length, live training, watch the video above.
Or read below for the recap!
Who here is still tired even if they get a full night’s sleep?
Who NEEDS coffee in the morning to function?
Who craves sweets in the afternoon as your energy slumps?
Believe me, I used to be right there with you...
And unfortunately, we live in a world where low energy is considered a "normal" part of adulthood, and we only ever attempt to fix the symptoms, not the root cause.
I can think of no better example than myself. I lived with chronic...
Hey love! In case you missed the announcement, this week I'm hosting a 7 day FREE TRAINING on Instagram LIVE all about how to Discover your Power, Find your Purpose, and Ignite your Passion.
And tonight we started with how to unlock your motivation. Here you'll find a recap of the free trainings, and the live recording above, so enjoy :)
And don't forget to join me live at 7 pm CST May 28th - June 3rd on Instagram if you want the chance to interact live with me, earn some points and win some cool prizes (details to come).
But without further...