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Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 236: Paralyzed by Information Overload? 6 Steps to Get Back into Action!

Jun 11, 2024


Over the past few weeks I've had a few newer clients come up against a similar obstacle, one I'm sure you've probably experienced yourself: information overload that has you totally freezing up. 

You're bombarded with ads for dozens of supplements, all with promises of a quick fix for your stubborn weight, your low energy, your poor digestion, your thinning hair, your aging skin, and the like.

You see experts touting wildly different diets so convincingly you can't figure out which is the right one. 


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Episode 229: When Life Gets in The Way of Your Healthy Habits (Part 2)

Apr 02, 2024

 If you find that you can stick to your healthy habits as long as life is calm and organized enough, but the second a wrench gets thrown in your plans it feels like you're thrown off the wagon, this episode is for you. 

We started this conversation last week with part one and you definitely aren't going to want to miss the first 5 tips I shared for navigating life's craziest seasons with ease, so click here to check it out. Or if you're all caught up, you can jump right into today's advice for both making...

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Episode 205: Why Am I ALWAYS Tired??

Jul 18, 2023


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“Energizer bunny” “sunshine girl” “enthusiastic” “perky”.

These are the words my friends use to describe me these days. But that was NOT always the case. 

For years I could get 10 hours of sleep and still be dragging ass. No amount of coffee or naps could remove the dark cloud of fatigue that hung over me day in and day out. 

And that fatigue robbed me of so much life, so many experiences. In college...

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Episode 199: Kat's Favorite Healthy Swaps for Every Day Dishes

May 23, 2023

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This Cinco De Mayo I decided to go spend some time with my big sister (a fellow holistic health coach). And as we sat and enjoyed absolutely mouthwatering gluten-and-dairy-free burritos and modified margaritas made with just tequila, lemon, lime, and lime la croix, we talked about our clients and the various ways we get them to make lasting change - ya know, typical shop talk.

Want to know our secret? 

It was a strategy we came back to again and again: eating the same...

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Episode 198: From Novice to Expert - How to Move Up the Ranks as a Health Warrior

May 09, 2023

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Do you ever want someone to just freaking tell you what to eat? What's good? What's bad? What's allowed? What's not?

I get it. That is the simplicity and clarity we need when we're new to any skill.

If we're just starting piano, we can't start with chords and using both hands at once. We have to learn note by note, pluck it out finger by finger.

But eventually, if we want to get good, we have to progress. We have to learn the more advanced skills, navigate the greater complexities, until eventually we...

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Episode 193: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 1)

Mar 21, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 192: 6 Ways to Celebrate Life Without Junk Food

Mar 07, 2023

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Do you ever get stuck in the middle between your ideal body and your ideal lifestyle?

Like, you want to be lean, and toned, and feel good in your skin, but you also want to relax and enjoy having fun with friends and family -  celebrating birthdays, holidays, and heck, making it to the weekend. 

Well, this is where that all-to-common all-or-nothing thinking comes into play. We think we have to either be super strict with our food and have the body we want or we can have fun...

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Episode 180: Finding Friends as an Adult - It's More Essential Than You Think

Dec 13, 2022

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It's getting close to the end of the year and around this time I always get a bit reflective. I think about what I've learned, what I've overcome, what's changed in my life, and what I want to change in my life. 

And in thinking about this past year, the thing I'm most proud of and the thing that's had the biggest impact on my overall wellbeing is how much I've prioritized my relationships. 

I've said yes to every opportunity to hang out with friends, I booked 7 trips to see friends and family (my...

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Episode 175: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 2

Nov 01, 2022

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So you want to lose weight but you're sick of having to pull out an app or calculator every time you want to take a bite of something tasty. 

I hear you. That's why I wanted to load up your tool kit with incredibly effective, science-back strategies to help you reach your weight loss goals without tracking a damn thing.

Last week we got into the first 5 habits to implement, so don't forget to start there

Already listened? Then you're ready to move on to our second batch of tips and tricks!

6. Always...

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Episode 174: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 1

Oct 25, 2022

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So you want to lose weight, but you're sick of counting calories, tracking macros, logging points, and in general having to pull out an app every time you want to take a bite of something tasty.

The good news is, if you look at the healthiest, longest living countries in the world, food tracking is virtually unheard of. 

Proof that it can be done!

Here's what swap that calculator for...

1. Eat slower.

"...researchers looked at data from 60,000 people with diabetes over a six-year period. The...

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