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Episode 254: How to Break Through Excuses and Get Sh*t Done

Dec 03, 2024


“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“I’m too tired.”

“It’s been a stressful day, I deserve a treat.”

“I’m just not motivated.”

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to waste food.”

These are just a handful of the things we tell ourselves day in and day out that are keeping us stuck making poor food choices, skipping the gym, and generally not following through on our health goals.

And the thing is, some people will...

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Episode 246: Decoding Cravings: Exploring the 8 Root Causes You Should Know About

Oct 01, 2024

Imagine you were experiencing daily migraines and I said, “Just stop having headaches.”

Or you were dealing with chronic constipation and I said, “Just make yourself go.”

Or you had debilitating fatigue and I said, “Just ignore it, it’ll go away.”

I hope you would look at me like I was insane. Because that’s not how you treat symptoms. You don’t just ignore them or will them away, you get to the root of them.

Well what if I told you cravings are a...

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Episode 217: Your Holiday Survival Guide: 12 Health Hacks to Avoid Eater's Remorse

Nov 14, 2023

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It's that time again, the holiday season is officially upon us and here is my holiday vision for you:

You go through your days enjoying seasonal treats without stress, regret, or going overboard.

You effortlessly navigate holiday parties, family gatherings, and travel.

You enter into the new year feeling good in your skin but not feeling like you had to deprive yourself to get there. 

How do we make that happen? By following my 12 holiday hacks! 

1. Make small swaps in your favorite recipes...

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Episode 213: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting (Part 2)

Oct 10, 2023

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It's happening, the moment you've been waiting all week for. I'm about to spill the tea on the exact steps I took with my food and fitness to lose those 'last 10 pounds' I gained while vacationing in Greece. 

But before we get to the good stuff I need you to see me as your personal coach right now. And as your coach I am imploring you, if you haven't listened to (or at least read) part 1 yet... GO BACK! 

I know mindset work isn't nearly as sexy as the more specific...

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Episode 212: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting

Oct 03, 2023

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I forgot what it was like... carrying weight on your body that you don't want to be there. 

I remembered it in theory.

I remember pinching my stomach with frustration. I remember folding my arms over my torso every time I sat down to hide the rolls. I remember hating sit ups because it made my pooch more pronounced. I remember working out twice a day hoping it would fix the problem. 

But what I forgot are all the emotions you experience on a minute-by-minute basis. 

I forgot that...

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Episode 197: The Secret to Getting Yourself to Change

Apr 25, 2023

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Tell me if you've experienced this situation before...

You're scrolling social media, and one of your favorite health coaches comes on with a really inspiring post and you think to yourself, That's it... I'm doing it. 

You have a conversation with her, you hand her your credit card, and then you go to start the program and suddenly all that motivation you had when you saw that post disappears. 

You don't really want to follow her suggestions, you find yourself dodging her calls, you rebel against...

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Episode 196: I Had a Horrible Cheat Day... Now What?!? Part 2

Apr 18, 2023

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We've all been there... you're so good all week, avoiding the vending machine, ordering salads for lunch, cooking healthy dinners, saying no to dessert, and then it finally arrives:

Cheat day. 

And you think to yourself...

I deserve this.

It's just one meal. 

I'll get back on plan tomorrow. 

This is the last time I'll have this for at least a week, better make it count. 

And so you get the burger and fries. And the milkshake. And the soda. And the day is already ruined so that night you also...

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Episode 195: I Had a Horrible Cheat Day... Now What?!? Part 1

Apr 11, 2023

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We've all been there... you're so good all week, avoiding the vending machine, ordering salads for lunch, cooking healthy dinners, saying no to dessert, and then it finally arrives:

Cheat day. 

And you think to yourself...

I deserve this.

It's just one meal. 

I'll get back on plan tomorrow. 

This is the last time I'll have this for at least a week, better make it count. 

And so you get the burger and fries. And the milkshake. And the soda. And the day is already ruined so that night you also...

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Episode 194: How to Survive an Elimination Diet (Part 2)

Mar 28, 2023

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If you know me, you know I am not a fan of deprivation for deprivation's sake when it comes to dieting.

I don't think we should be cutting out foods willy nilly, and I certainly don't think we should cut out entire macronutrients.

However the old adage is true: one person's superfood is another person's poison. And sometimes there are certain foods that cause a reaction in our body that prevents us from looking or feeling our best.

And the only way to truly know what those foods are is through an...

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Episode 180: Finding Friends as an Adult - It's More Essential Than You Think

Dec 13, 2022

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It's getting close to the end of the year and around this time I always get a bit reflective. I think about what I've learned, what I've overcome, what's changed in my life, and what I want to change in my life. 

And in thinking about this past year, the thing I'm most proud of and the thing that's had the biggest impact on my overall wellbeing is how much I've prioritized my relationships. 

I've said yes to every opportunity to hang out with friends, I booked 7 trips to see friends and family (my...

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