Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
We all know habits are the keys to our success in any endeavor we have.
Our ability to achieve our dreams virtually never comes down to one big thing we did. It's what we do, how we think, and how we respond to challenges every single day, without even thinking, that truly determines our fate.
So here is my 6-to-Stick Method (as seen in my Life Unleashed Program) for creating healthy habits that will stand the test of time, motivation, and busy-ness.
Whenever you choose the habit that you want...
Do you ever feel like life is just sort of happening to you?
You meander through your days on autopilot. From home, to work, and then back home.
You absently kiss your partner. You passively play with your kids.
And while there are occasional moments of sheer and utter joy like on your wedding day, or during your yearly vacation, by and large it feels like you're just passing the time.
What a shitty way to live when you put it that way, huh? And unfortunately, it's how must of us sail through life, from cradle to grave.
Listen to the Podcast episode:
Do you struggle with finding balance in your relationship?? Whether it's balance with work, life, and romance, balance with money, or balance with giving and taking, you've got to have the tools to pull things back into alignment when they fall out of equilibrium.
And establishing this stability within the tumultuousness of 2 entrepreneur's lives is something my boyfriend Bryan and I have deep and intimate knowledge of.
So in today's episode of Life...
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I'm going to be real with you... personal trainer or not, I am NOT a morning workout person.
If I had to choose between waking up 20 minutes early to do a 20 minute workout, or doing a 90 minute workout after 12 pm... 90 minutes would win every time.
Nonetheless, my interest has been peaked lately. Over the years, I've heard more and more, just how beneficial it is to move your body first thing upon waking.
Being a bit of a...
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I have a confession to make.
I am an absolute, 100%, self-help junkie. And I have been this way for as long as I can remember.
I mean we're talking about buying confidence-building books in middle school while all my friends were enjoying tween magazines and vampire romance novels.
But I'll be honest, while I loved reading anything personal development I could get my hands on, it wasn't penetrating my daily life.
I would get all amped up about speaking up and being heard, and...