Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
I don’t know about you but when it comes to making changes in my life, I tend to focus a lot on the doing part of the equation.
If you want to change your body, you probably focus a lot on learning how to meal prep, finding the best workouts, and figuring out what supplements to take. I know if I want to grow my business I have to create meaningful social media content, advertise, and network.
But many of us inevitably run into a disconnect with the doing… That is, we know what to do but we aren’t actually doing...
As a recovered emotional eater, I know when you're in it you fee like there's no way out.
You try everything: making bargains with yourself that if you workout x amount of hours you can have those brownies (yet somehow the gym time doesn’t manage to take away the food guilt).
You tell yourself you’ll just finish this bag of chips, but then you aren’t going to buy them again. Until the next time you’re in the grocery store and they magically find their way into your cart.
You make rules saying you’ll...
This week we continue the conversation of how to get yourself to a better place when it feels like life is just... heavy.
If you missed part one, click here to take a listen, otherwise go ahead and dive right in!
Again, there will probably be a lot of resistance here. But working out is such a fantastic way to shift you into a better state of mind for so many reasons. You get a boost of happiness hormones like dopamine, you increase your energy, you get to listen to that badass...
Sometimes in life you just feel... bleh.
Maybe it's because you went through a breakup, or lost a job, or had a falling out with a friend, or life just feels like it's picking on you, but you suddenly find yourself smack dab in the middle of a funk.
And it sucks because you don't know how long it'll last, motivation and energy are low, your insides feel like they've been scraped out leaving a gaping hole, and all you want is to feel like you again.
Well as someone who just pulled herself out of one hell of a funk...
We are jumping right back into our conversation from last week's Valentine's Day episode where I'm sharing my most hard-earned lessons from 3.5 years of singlehood and over 200 dates! If you didn't catch the first episode, click here to take a listen!
I do not have better words than this quote...
Most of the women who hire me as a coach have the same goal: they want to lose weight. And while some are there because their weight is related to health issues and they want to get better, a lot of them are in good health but they just want to feel better in their skin... i.e. have more confidence.
And of course I'm beyond happy to help anyone reach whatever goals they have.
But I also want you to know, you do not need to hit your goal weight in order to feel good about the way you look. That's...
Do you ever feel like everything in your life is coming up roses, but there's that one thing just that one little thing that you can't seem to conquer no matter how hard you try?
And the discomfort of that stuck-ness, of that frustration has you wanting to reach for anything that will give you a nice little dopamine hit: food, social media, alcohol, anything that can stop you from feeling like you want to crawl out of your skin.
Well, that was me last week.
I told my therapist recently that I've never...
Raise your hand if...
Over the past 2.5 years I have felt almost all of these at one point or another.
Until my friend invited me to a private speakeasy event that was hosted by...
Last week we started on this list of habits that will drastically increase your confidence (without having to see a certain number on your scale).
If you haven't read/listened to that episode yet, click here to pop over and start there as we do talk about some important pre-habit activities that will make these tips much more effective for you!
If you did tune in last week, you're ready to dive right in!
You already know this, but we all need the...
Confidence is not a personality trait. It is a skill. And everyone has the ability to hone it.
And it's important that we do. Because our self-esteem impacts every area of our life. It impacts...