Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
“I’m too tired.”
“It’s been a stressful day, I deserve a treat.”
“I’m just not motivated.”
“I’ll start tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to waste food.”
These are just a handful of the things we tell ourselves day in and day out that are keeping us stuck making poor food choices, skipping the gym, and generally not following through on our health goals.
And the thing is, some people will...
Last week was rough. My cycle came and with it a huge wave of absolute, pure and utter exhaustion. Like, kept-nodding-off-in-the-chair-while-I-was-getting-my-hair-done exhaustion.
In this situation, it was absolutely the right call for me to trade my gym session for a walk on the trail. I was still getting movement in, but movement that actually added to my energy instead of depleting it further.
Don’t get me wrong, skipping the workout is not always the right call.
For example, if you miss your workouts 5 times a...
Last week we started our conversation about how to become the type of person who still works out when they're tired, who still cooks when they're overwhelmed, who still goes to bed on time even when their favorite show ends with a cliff hanger and all they want to do is hit that 'next episode' button.
The long and short: how to develop the skill of discipline.
We got into some really interesting conversations last week around just the first 3 tips, so click here to...
Do you feel like you're constantly trying to win the battle of You against You?
Sunday Night You sets an alarm to get up early to workout. Then Morning You says 'fuck that' and hits snooze until you have to get ready for work.
Motivated You makes the commitment to stop bringing junk food into the house. Then Hungry You grabs a box of cookies and a carton of ice cream at the grocery store - that bitch.
Disciplined You decides to start going to bed at 10 o'clock. Then Nighttime You hits play...
Tell me if you've experienced this situation before...
You're scrolling social media, and one of your favorite health coaches comes on with a really inspiring post and you think to yourself, That's it... I'm doing it.
You have a conversation with her, you hand her your credit card, and then you go to start the program and suddenly all that motivation you had when you saw that post disappears.
You don't really want to follow her suggestions, you find yourself dodging her calls, you rebel against...
It's been exactly one month since the new year began and statistically 80% of people will bail on their resolutions in the next couple of weeks.
But the buck stops here. We are going to reignite our motivation and keep trucking forward. We are going to be the 20%. We are going to dig deep and tap into our inner most desires and our brightest visions for our futures so we can continue making strides towards our goals even as the shininess of the new year wears off.
But remember, it only...
Does this sound like you, "I know what to eat, I know how to exercise, I just can't stick with it!"
If so, you are not alone. Consistency is probably the single biggest thing women are struggling with when they come to me, and it is the single most important thing if you want results.
But when talking about consistency, almost every woman I know says, "I just can't stay motivated long enough."
And I'm here to tell you, motivation has nothing - and I do mean nothing - to do with it.
Yes, today's episode is all about how to jumpstart your motivation and I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out how to ignite that in yourself.
But before we get into the nitty gritty tips and tricks, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you this first...
Relying on motivation to achieve any long-term goal is like being in a boat and relying on the wind to get you from one continent to the another.
That wind makes the ride a lot easier, smoother, and more enjoyable. But at...
One of the most common symptoms women tell me they struggle with day in and day out is low energy.
And while it may seem relatively harmless - it isn't a disease, it isn't going to kill us, it's just... uncomfortable - fatigue can have a huge impact on our quality of life.
I remember back in college when my symptoms were at their peak, I could sleep for 12 hours and still be passing out in class.
I didn't want to go to parties with my friends, I didn't have the energy to be around people very...
For years I've said that the negative emotions and experiences we don't process and release get stored in the body. Sometimes as fat, sometimes as illness, sometimes as injury.
It always sounded 'woo woo' when it came out of my mouth, but finally I've discovered a book that scientifically backs up this intuition.
'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel Van Der KolK, MD, is one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read on trauma, how it affects the brain and body, and how to heal...