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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 255: The Secret to Behavior Change You're Probably NOT Doing

Dec 10, 2024

I don’t know about you but when it comes to making changes in my life, I tend to focus a lot on the doing part of the equation

If you want to change your body, you probably focus a lot on learning how to meal prep, finding the best workouts, and figuring out what supplements to take. I know if I want to grow my business I have to create meaningful social media content, advertise, and network.

But many of us inevitably run into a disconnect with the doing… That is, we know what to do but we aren’t actually doing...

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Episode 254: How to Break Through Excuses and Get Sh*t Done

Dec 03, 2024


“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“I’m too tired.”

“It’s been a stressful day, I deserve a treat.”

“I’m just not motivated.”

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to waste food.”

These are just a handful of the things we tell ourselves day in and day out that are keeping us stuck making poor food choices, skipping the gym, and generally not following through on our health goals.

And the thing is, some people will...

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Episode 252: Never Say “I’ll Start on Monday” Again

Nov 19, 2024



Click here for more info on the THREE insane offers I'm putting out for my Black Friday sale and to snag your spot(s) before they fill up. I only have so many spaces in my calendar so I fully anticipate having to close the doors early due to limited availability. 
Not ready to start working together right this second? No worries. You'll have 3 months post-purchase to begin whatever program you choose!


How many times? How many times have...

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Episode 250: 5 Reasons You Lose Control Around Treats (And How to Stop)

Nov 05, 2024

Do you ever feel out of control around certain foods?

Maybe you can’t keep cookies in the house because you’ll eat the entire box within a day or 2.

Maybe when you do allow dessert into your house you intentionally eat the whole thing just to get rid of it so you don’t have to deal with that nagging voice in the back of your head that’s constantly pushing you to go back for more.

Maybe you only eat certain foods in the car or when no one is home because you know the amount you eat “isn’t...

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Episode 249: Overwhelmed by Meal Prep? Avoid These Mistakes!

Oct 22, 2024

 Ah meal prep. The secret weapon for staying on track with your nutrition whether your goal is to  lose weight, balance hormones, improve your gut health, or simply build more consistent healthy eating habits. 

But what if it feels like more of a burden than a help? Like it’s just one more thing on the never-ending to-do list. (And likely one more thing to procrastinate.)

If that’s the case, we are missing the point entirely. Meal prep should be something that takes stress off your plate, not something that adds...

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Episode 248: Making Peace with Food with Mindful Eating

Oct 15, 2024

 When I say “mindful eating” or “listen to your body” what’s your instinctual response?

I know for a lot of people their knee jerk reaction is, “My body wants cheetos and ice cream at every meal, so I don’t think you want me listening to my body.”

This is incredibly common and it points to an unfortunate theme: we do not trust our bodies. And we do not trust ourselves.

And where does that leave us but to rely on a diet telling us exactly what we are and are not...

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Episode 247: Never Fall Off the Wagon Again with Habit Flexibility

Oct 08, 2024

Last week was rough. My cycle came and with it a huge wave of absolute, pure and utter exhaustion. Like, kept-nodding-off-in-the-chair-while-I-was-getting-my-hair-done exhaustion. 

In this situation, it was absolutely the right call for me to trade my gym session for a walk on the trail. I was still getting movement in, but movement that actually added to my energy instead of depleting it further. 

Don’t get me wrong, skipping the workout is not always the right call. 

For example, if you miss your workouts 5 times a...

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Episode 245: My #1 Tip for Healthy Travel (Sans Deprivation)

Sep 24, 2024

I just came back from a 7-day cruise and on the last night my friend Jose asked how disciplined I felt like I was during the trip. 

I said, “I don’t know that ‘disciplined’ is the right word.” Discipline in this context implies willpower, sacrifice, and strict rules. That really doesn’t describe my experience on board. 

The right word? Mindful. Here’s how this looked in practice…

Mindful of my hunger and satiety cues.

With lots of all-you-can-eat buffets it would be easy to go...

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Episode 244: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 2)

Aug 27, 2024

 Last week we started a conversation all about the power of habits.

When we’re “on a diet” we have to use a ton of mental energy and willpower to make it from one day to another. But when you understand how to instead build healthy habits, living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature.

It’s no longer something you do, it’s who you are. And that is the ultimate goal and the ultimate recipe for long term results. 

If you missed us going over the anatomy of a habit, head back to episode 243.


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Episode 243: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 1)

Aug 20, 2024

How often do you find yourself using willpower when you’re trying to change your diet, or get in an exercise routine, or implement a better sleep schedule? I’m guessing a lot. 

I have to choose to get up early to make myself a healthy breakfast.

I have to choose not to eat the donuts my coworker brought to work today.

I have to choose to go to the gym at the end of the day instead of flopping off the couch.

I have to choose not to reach for that big bag of chips when I...

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