Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
Perfectionism. It plays out in so many facets of our life. Why? Because there is safety in perfection.
If we never mess up, if we never do anything bad, then nothing bad will happen to us.
If we can be perfect at our job we won’t get fired. If we can be perfect in our relationships no one will leave us. If we look perfect no one will reject us. If we’re perfect with our diet, we’ll finally have the body we want.
But it’s interesting, because I think in areas outside of food, we’re sort of forced to...
We've all been there... you're so good all week, avoiding the vending machine, ordering salads for lunch, cooking healthy dinners, saying no to dessert, and then it finally arrives:
Cheat day.
And you think to yourself...
I deserve this.
It's just one meal.
I'll get back on plan tomorrow.
This is the last time I'll have this for at least a week, better make it count.
And so you get the burger and fries. And the milkshake. And the soda. And the day is already ruined so that night you also...
Sometimes I feel like it comes across as if I don’t ever struggle with cravings, or emotional eating, or portion control. But trust me, even this nutrition coach still faces the same challenges you do from time to time.
Case in point, just a few days ago, as a rather uneventful weekend came to a close, I found myself bored as f**********ck. Again and again, I kept hopping off the couch to go peer into my pantry, looking for something to munch on.
Ya’ll let me tell you, had I been relying...
Do you ever wonder if your regular restaurant habit is sabotaging your weight loss goals?
Short answer: it probably is. But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice going out for looking lean. Stick with me sis...
Back in a past life, I worked as a server at a popular restaurant and I can't tell you how many women order our signature salad thinking they were 'being good'. That salad was 1300 calories.
And that's the crux of it. Even when we think we're making good choices, even when we order something that would...
Who’s done it? Raise your hand high if you do really well with your eating Monday through Thursday, then Friday night hits and your habits go to hell in a hand basket for the next 3 days.
I know I have! You make it through a stressful week and the ultimate reward is that Friday night pizza you enjoy while watching Netflix.
Then Saturday hits and you find yourself gravitating towards those chips and cookies you did so good at avoiding all week.
Then Sunday comes and it’s time for brunch and...
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