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Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 260: 10X Your Confidence with Styling Secrets from LA Stylist Tina Choi

Jan 21, 2025

There's something I've come to realize over this past year. It's one of those things you kind of know, but you don't really know until you for sure know. And it's this... what you put on your body has an astronomical impact on how you feel in your body.

Personally, my style has been all over the map over the years. For a long time I wanted to put no effort into the way I looked (a rebellion against my mom's passion for looking immaculate at all times).

Then I swung hard in the other direction, wearing...

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Episode 185: 10 Things We're Leaving Behind in 2022 - Part 1

Jan 17, 2023

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We're 3 weeks into 2023 and I know when a new year starts we set our eyes on who we want to become.

But we sometimes forget that in order to evolve into the next version of ourselves, we have to let go of the parts of us that don't serve us anymore and that are keeping us stuck. 

To be clear, this is not about judging ourselves for past mistakes we made or past versions of ourselves that no longer resonate with us.

This is about showing gratitude to those parts that helped us at...

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Episode 182: Sacred Singlehood with Relationship and Trauma Specialist Laura Martin

Dec 27, 2022

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 Raise your hand if...

  • You hate being single. 
  • Online dating feels like a slog. 
  • You're getting pessimistic about whether or not you'll find someone.
  • You loath the thought of going on another first date.
  • You're anxious about finding your partner. 
  • You find yourself repeating unhealthy patterns in your relationships. 

Over the past 2.5 years I have felt almost all of these at one point or another. 

Until my friend invited me to a private speakeasy event that was hosted by...

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Episode 173: 13 Habits to Improve Your Self Esteem - Part 2

Oct 11, 2022

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Last week we started on this list of habits that will drastically increase your confidence (without having to see a certain number on your scale). 

If you haven't read/listened to that episode yet, click here to pop over and start there as we do talk about some important pre-habit activities that will make these tips much more effective for you! 

If you did tune in last week, you're ready to dive right in!

7. Take a social media break. 

You already know this, but we all need the...

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Episode 172: 13 Habits to Improve Your Self Esteem - Part 1

Oct 04, 2022

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Confidence is not a personality trait. It is a skill. And everyone has the ability to hone it. 

And it's important that we do. Because our self-esteem impacts every area of our life. It impacts...

  • Our romantic relationships - are you avoiding physical intimacy because you're self conscious about your body?
  • Our platonic relationships - are you not setting healthy boundaries because you struggle with people pleasing?
  • Our work - are you not asking for that promotion or starting that business...
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Episode 101: Realistic Health Advice for Busy-Ass Mamas with Natalie Peterson

May 04, 2021

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To all the mommas out there, you are seen and appreciated! This episode and article are just for you. Being a parent is hard. It is thankless, wonderful work. You give all day long to your kids and only get a break when you are sleeping.

Because of this dynamic, it can be that much harder to focus on your health and happiness. But it doesn’t make it any less important. And the good news is, there are solutions.

I'm Natalie Peterson, Mom of 2 girls (4 and 10 months), Health & Happiness Coach for Women in...

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Episode 98: 5 Essential Habits to Build Unshakeable Confidence

Apr 13, 2021

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Last week, I posted a pretty serious video calling out the men who were doing the virtual version of cat-calling on my TikTok channel (see the video above).

Now if you follow me on social media, you know this video was a far cry from my usual bubbly, happy-go-lucky content. But I knew in my heart it was necessary.

And that knowing was validated when one week later I had almost 40,000 views and over 500 comments from women sharing their stories of abusive men, fear, and bullies.

Thanking me for standing up,...

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#1 Tool to Make "Self Help" Books ACTUALLY Help You

Jul 22, 2019

Click here to watch the full episodes.

I have a confession to make.

I am an absolute, 100%, self-help junkie. And I have been this way for as long as I can remember.

I mean we're talking about buying confidence-building books in middle school while all my friends were enjoying tween magazines and vampire romance novels.

But I'll be honest, while I loved reading anything personal development I could get my hands on, it wasn't penetrating my daily life.

I would get all amped up about speaking up and being heard, and...

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