Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
If there is one common trajectory every one of my clients follows it's this: they start off highly motivated and excited to get started, they stay totally dialed into the process and are pushed forward by the results they see, and then inevitably they hit a wall.
A parent gets sick.
An unexpected move happens.
A child goes through a tough time.
A big trip comes up.
The school year starts.
Their spouse gets let go.
They start a new job.
They run into a busy season.
What determines my clients'...
Do you feel like you're constantly trying to win the battle of You against You?
Sunday Night You sets an alarm to get up early to workout. Then Morning You says 'fuck that' and hits snooze until you have to get ready for work.
Motivated You makes the commitment to stop bringing junk food into the house. Then Hungry You grabs a box of cookies and a carton of ice cream at the grocery store - that bitch.
Disciplined You decides to start going to bed at 10 o'clock. Then Nighttime You hits play...
Does this sound like you, "I know what to eat, I know how to exercise, I just can't stick with it!"
If so, you are not alone. Consistency is probably the single biggest thing women are struggling with when they come to me, and it is the single most important thing if you want results.
But when talking about consistency, almost every woman I know says, "I just can't stay motivated long enough."
And I'm here to tell you, motivation has nothing - and I do mean nothing - to do with it.
Picture this: It's the weekend. All week long you've been doing so well with you're eating, getting your workouts in, doing your self care. But here you are, elbow deep in a bag of greasy potato chips, asking yourself, "Why do I keep doing this to myself?"
Or maybe your problem isn't binging on the weekends. Maybe you're sitting at a restaurant with friends and family. Everyone is having a good time, ordering delicious food and enjoying a cocktail, and you're sitting there with your dry salad and lemon...
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