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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 180: Finding Friends as an Adult - It's More Essential Than You Think

Dec 13, 2022

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It's getting close to the end of the year and around this time I always get a bit reflective. I think about what I've learned, what I've overcome, what's changed in my life, and what I want to change in my life. 

And in thinking about this past year, the thing I'm most proud of and the thing that's had the biggest impact on my overall wellbeing is how much I've prioritized my relationships. 

I've said yes to every opportunity to hang out with friends, I booked 7 trips to see friends and family (my...

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Episode 178: Put an End to Trial and Error with Metabolic Typing

Nov 29, 2022

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Do you ever wonder why Sarah down the street can try keto and lose 20 pounds while you try it and the scale barely budges?

Or why a documentary can shows aaaaall this research on the benefits of being vegan, but when you try it you feel lethargic, gassy, and bloated?

The answer is honestly pretty simple: bioindividuality. In less science-y terms... all bodies are different. 

Some people do really well with higher protein/higher fat diets while others do better on more carbs.


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Episode 176: Q&A in Kat's Coaching Corner - Part 1

Nov 08, 2022

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Do you ever just wish you could have a little coach in your pocket, answering any nutrition or fitness questions that come up to help keep you on track??

Well... welcome to Kat's Coaching Corner!

Last week, Tanya (the influencer I work with) and I did a Q&A on her page and ya'll loved it! And so the Coaching Corner was born.

Each week I'll be posting a questions sticker on my Instagram stories to help clarify and support you on whatever journey you may be on.

Then I'll be bringing the best...

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Episode 175: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 2

Nov 01, 2022

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So you want to lose weight but you're sick of having to pull out an app or calculator every time you want to take a bite of something tasty. 

I hear you. That's why I wanted to load up your tool kit with incredibly effective, science-back strategies to help you reach your weight loss goals without tracking a damn thing.

Last week we got into the first 5 habits to implement, so don't forget to start there

Already listened? Then you're ready to move on to our second batch of tips and tricks!

6. Always...

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Episode 174: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 1

Oct 25, 2022

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So you want to lose weight, but you're sick of counting calories, tracking macros, logging points, and in general having to pull out an app every time you want to take a bite of something tasty.

The good news is, if you look at the healthiest, longest living countries in the world, food tracking is virtually unheard of. 

Proof that it can be done!

Here's what swap that calculator for...

1. Eat slower.

"...researchers looked at data from 60,000 people with diabetes over a six-year period. The...

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Episode 170: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part Two

Sep 20, 2022

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Last week we dove into the first 5 action steps you need to take to boost your metabolism and make weight loss easier.

If you haven't checked that out already, click here!

If you did, you're ready to dive into part 2...

6. Choose strength training over cardio.

In part 1, I mentioned that restoring the glucose reserves in your muscles is a big part of your post-exercise metabolic boost. Meaning, you want to prioritize workouts that use up a lot of glucose, requiring more work from your body...

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Episode 159: 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Motivation Today!

Jun 28, 2022

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Yes, today's episode is all about how to jumpstart your motivation and I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out how to ignite that in yourself. 

But before we get into the nitty gritty tips and tricks, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you this first...

Relying on motivation to achieve any long-term goal is like being in a boat and relying on the wind to get you from one continent to the another. 

That wind makes the ride a lot easier, smoother, and more enjoyable. But at...

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Episode 148: How to Eat More Produce Without It Going to Waste

Apr 12, 2022

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We all know we should be eating more fruits and vegetables, right? They're low in calories and high in nutrients, fiber, and water... basically the perfect weight loss food AND there is no better fuel for your gut health.
But I constantly hear from my clients how any time they load up on produce, half of it ends up rotting in their fridge and going to waste.
So today we're going to fix that with some simple shopping, cooking, and storing hacks so you can feeling confident filling your...
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Episode 145: Confessions of a Health Coach

Mar 22, 2022

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If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: the biggest blockade between most women and their goals is perfectionistic, all-or-nothing thinking. 

This looks like:

  • If I didn't give it my all, sweat like a whore in church, and cry for my mommy in the gym, that workout doesn't count.
  • If I ate one cookie the day is ruined.
  • If I'm not working out every day I'm messing up. 
  • If I skip a few workouts I'm going to lose all my progress.
  • If the scale goes up at all I failed.
  • I...
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Episode 144: What Causes Weight Loss Plateaus and How to Break Through

Mar 15, 2022

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Weight loss plateaus. 

They are annoying. Frustrating. Defeating. Discouraging. And all around sucky. 

They also are inevitable on any weight loss journey, so instead of fighting the unavoidable, let's understand why they happen and what you can do to get that scale moving again (without doing anything you're going to regret later).

Why do plateaus happen?

When you start to lose weight you tend to lose it quickly because - spoiler alert - a good amount of it is water weight. Initially your body...

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