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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 111: Life Changing Journal Prompts to Get Out of Your Own Way

Jul 13, 2021

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What's my #1 tool for getting out of my own way when trying to achieve big goals?

Journaling. I know it’s cheesy, and self-helpy, and therapisty to say, but it FREAKING WORKS.

More often than not what holds us back is the autopilot thoughts and habits that play on repeat day after day.

The magic of journaling is it forces us to take a step back, to question those limiting beliefs and actions, to get an outside perspective on our own lives, and to more clearly see the way OUT.

But I know journaling can be...

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Episode 106: Stuck in the All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food? This Episode is for You!

Jun 08, 2021

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 Does any of this describe you...

  • Feeling like the day is ruined after eating a cookie.
  • Repenting for overeating with cleanses, starving yourself, or doing crazy workouts.
  • Not starting a diet because you’re waiting for when you can be 100%.
  • Filling up on treats before a diet starts and you know you’ll have to stop.
  • Eating all the bad food in your house to get rid of the temptation.
  • Restricting for long periods of time followed by binging.

 If you answered yes, you my friend, are a diet...

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Episode 104: 5 Hard Facts You Need to Know About Weight Loss

May 25, 2021

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Have you ever gone on a weight loss journey and had a freak out moment because...

The scale went up even though you were doing everything right.

Or you self-sabotaged and ate a whole pizza after you were so good all week.

Or you felt your motivation drop and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

The reason we freak out is because we feel these things are not supposed to happen and it leaves us feeling totally out of...

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Episode 97: 10 Things to Stop F***ing Saying if You're Serious About Losing Weight

Apr 06, 2021

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We’re all guilty of it. We tell ourselves half-truths, give ourselves little excuses, allow ourselves get-out-of-jail-free cards for why we can’t achieve our goals.

But if we can get brutally honest, we’ll realize more often than not that little voice isn’t a voice of reason. It’s a voice of fear. And it wants to keep you nice and safe in your beautifully designed comfort zone where nothing has to change, and yet the imagined future is full of possibilities and hope.

And these are some of...

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Episode 96: Is Your Weight Set Point Keeping You Stuck?

Mar 30, 2021

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Do you ever feel like your body is legitimately fighting against your weight loss efforts? Like every pound is a struggle to lose, and even if you do hit your goal weight, just a slight deviation in your diet or a week off of working out sends the scale soaring back up?

You're not crazy, what you're experiencing is weight set point. 

What is weight set point?

Your body has an intrinsic weight that it likes to hover around (plus or minus a few pounds) that is determined at birth. But over the course of years of...

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Episode 90: Overcoming Post-Keto Carb Fear

Feb 16, 2021

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I can't begin to tell you how many clients come to me post-keto, sick and tired of following such a restrictive diet, looking for a more balanced, sustainable way to lose weight, but unable to shake the fear of carbs that keto instilled in them. 

What I find food fear truly stems from is either a lack of information, or misinformation spread about a particular food (and keto has mastered the art of misinformation). 

So let's clear some things up around how carbs actually affect the...

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Episode 76: 5 Things Your Cravings Are Trying to Tell You

Nov 10, 2020

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What do you do when you get a craving? Do you try to control it? Shut it down with willpower? Avoid then binge? Convince yourself you don't need it (while secretly obsessing about it)?

The true secret to conquering cravings once and for all isn't in avoiding your food of choice; more often than not that just gives it more power and makes it that much worse when you finally do give in. 

I know I can't be the only one who's avoided eating a cookie and ended up eating 8 cookies, a slice of cake, and a half a bag...

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Episode 72: Burn Fat Faster by Avoiding These 3 Common Weight Loss Mistakes!

Oct 13, 2020

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Who wants to literally burn more fat while they sleep? If you’re shaking your hand high in the sky right now going ‘me me me me me!’ you’re going to want to listen to this episode. It will save you from turning your weight loss journey into an unnecessary uphill battle.

If you know me you know how much I hate diet culture. We’re berated with advice that’ll help us ‘lose 10 pounds in 5 days’, but what’s left out is the fact that those very tips are slowing our...

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Episode 65: How to Eat Clean When You Have Picky Kids (And You Don't Want to Make 2 Separate Meals Each Night)

Aug 25, 2020

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This one is for my badass warrior mama’s out there who are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, who are filling all the roles for all the people, and who are holding their own health and wellbeing together by the skin of their teeth.

I may not be a mom. But I’ve worked with many, and I know while you may KNOW you need to eat more plants and less processed foods in order to lose weight and maintain your energy for your hectic life, it can feel next to impossible as you try to feed the...

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Episode 58: 3 Steps to Stay Fit While in 'Vacation Mode' (Without Feeling Deprived)

Jul 07, 2020

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I’m going to be straight with you. When my family and I vacation, it has historically been 100% food-centered. Everything we do is planned around what restaurants we’re going to hit, what delectable meals we’re going to enjoy, what desserts we’ll indulge in.

And when we aren’t eating, we’re really just killing time until the next meal comes around.

Can you relate?

And here’s the thing, as your coach, I’m not about to tell you to skip the NY pizza for a salad. Or to...

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