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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 143: How to Do a Cleanse the RIGHT Way

Mar 08, 2022

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Summer is quickly approaching and with the season of bikinis and short-shorts upon us, you may be contemplating the idea of a 'cleanse' or 'detox' to tighten up those trouble zones.

Maybe you're thinking it would be good to erase some of the damage done to your body over the holidays.

Maybe you want to drop some left-over covid weight.

Maybe you're trying to get a handle on those sugar cravings before that beach vacation.

Whatever the case may be, let's talk about cleanses, detoxes, and...

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Episode 130: Are You Guilty of These Hormone-Disrupting Habits?

Nov 30, 2021

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Hormones... they can be our greatest gift, supporting our ability to have children, making us feel sexy sexy when our partner gives us 'the eyes', guiding our bodies to function properly with intricate messages sent on a second-to-second basis.

They also can be the bane of our existence, wreaking havoc on our emotions, cursing us with cramps, and directing fat deposits to hold onto our hips for dear life.

Two episodes back we talked about the myriad of things we can do to support our hormone health, but then I...

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Episode 123: Fitness 101: Types of Exercise and Their Benefits

Oct 12, 2021

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Do you ever walk into the gym feeling unsure and self conscious, so you just hop on the treadmill to avoid any possible embarrassment?

Do you feel like when you workout you're just spinning your wheels, not getting the results you're looking for?

Do you wish you knew how to optimize your sweat sessions to get the most burn for your buck without injuring yourself?

In today's episode I'm going to help you gain more understanding of the different types of workouts to choose from, their benefits, and...

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Episode 119: Breakfast... To Eat Or Not To Eat??

Sep 14, 2021

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There's a lot of conversation (and confusion) about the first meal of the day... breakfast.

For a long time you were told never to skip it.

Now you're told to cut it out completely.

Some argue you need it to rev your metabolism for the day.

Others would say a longer fast means more fat is burned. 

What's the truth?? 

Well if you know me, you probably know my answer is going to be somewhere in the middle and I'm going to say it differs from person to person (I know, I know, I can hear the groan of...

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Episode 77: LIVE Q&A with Kat On How to Finally Lose Stubborn Weight (Without Starving Yourself)

Nov 17, 2020

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  • I eat clean, count my calories, workout, and the weight still isn't coming off. What more could I possible do?

    I think my metabolism is messed up, is there anything I can do to fix it?

    Every time I try to lose weight I self sabotage. How do I make myself stop?!

    How badly does alcohol inhibit my weight loss?

    What's the best diet to lose weight?

    Last month I held a live training in my private Facebook group all about how to finally break through when those extra, unwanted pounds seem to be holding on for...

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The Secret About Your "Trouble Zones" They Aren't Telling You

Dec 03, 2018

"I always have this poochy belly..."

"I hate my thick thighs..."

"By butt is too big..."

"I wish my arms looked more defined..."

We all have that one area of our body that drives us nuts and, of course, it always seems like the most stubborn body part to tone, tighten, or taunt into submission. 

Why? Why is there such a thing as a "trouble zone?" And is there anything to be done about it?

Well, while there are a million DVD's and workout programs out there titled things like Chiseled Abs, Thigh Slimmer, and Burn Off That...

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