I eat clean, count my calories, workout, and the weight still isn't coming off. What more could I possible do?
I think my metabolism is messed up, is there anything I can do to fix it?
Every time I try to lose weight I self sabotage. How do I make myself stop?!
How badly does alcohol inhibit my weight loss?
What's the best diet to lose weight?
Last month I held a live training in my private Facebook group all about how to finally break through when those extra, unwanted pounds seem to be holding on for dear life.
What you see above are just a FEW of the amazing questions my Facebook group members sent in, and I decided my podcast listeners deserve to know the answers too!
So if you want to stop battling the scale and start seeing some freaking results already, click the link above to listen in to the full recording!
Want to jump into my private Ditch the Diets Facebook group so you can join in on the fun of future lives and get your questions answered? Click here to join (and in case you're wondering, it's completely free)!
If you're loving these episodes, you'll love the customized advice you'll get on a free 'Kickstart Your Weight Loss' call with me! Click here to schedule yours now 😉
Click here to book a complimentary consultation if you want to lose weight and keep it off without restrictive dieting!
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