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Episode 137: Why Calorie Counting Hasn't Worked for You and What to Do Instead

Jan 25, 2022

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Calorie counting is outdated weight loss advice.

I said what I said. 

Not because you don’t need a calorie deficit to lose weight, you most definitely do. 

But here’s the problem with trying to count your calories (aside from the fact that it’s a pain in the ass):

  1. The number of calories on the box doesn’t tell you how many calories you actually absorb (the more processed a food, the more calories you will absorb). 
  2. The calorie counts on nutrition labels are legally...
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Episode 134: Goal Mapping 101

Jan 04, 2022

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It's 2022. You've decided on the meaningful resolution that's going to be your guiding light for the year, and now comes the scary part... turning that vision into your actual reality. 

But how do you do it? Like really do it?

How do you stay motivated when life tries to drag you down?

How do you stay consistent through a whole year of birthdays, holidays, weekends, happy hours, stressors, celebrations, vacations, and everything in between?

How do you navigate...

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Episode 110: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 2)

Jul 06, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and...

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Episode 109: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 1)

Jun 29, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and vivacious...

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Episode 106: Stuck in the All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food? This Episode is for You!

Jun 08, 2021

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 Does any of this describe you...

  • Feeling like the day is ruined after eating a cookie.
  • Repenting for overeating with cleanses, starving yourself, or doing crazy workouts.
  • Not starting a diet because you’re waiting for when you can be 100%.
  • Filling up on treats before a diet starts and you know you’ll have to stop.
  • Eating all the bad food in your house to get rid of the temptation.
  • Restricting for long periods of time followed by binging.

 If you answered yes, you my friend, are a diet...

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Episode 87: The Oldest Diet in the World and Why It Still Can't Be Beat!

Jan 26, 2021

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‘Eat more whole foods’ has become one of those weight loss platitudes that tends to go in one ear and out the other. Why? Because that truism has been around since the beginning of time (you know, when we had no option BUT to eat whole foods).

But if you struggle with cravings, if you struggle with weight that won’t seem to come off, if you find yourself constantly thinking about food, ‘eat more whole foods’ may be the most important advice you could employ to turn the...

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Episode 79: Harnessing the Powerful of Mindfulness to Stop Overeating

Dec 01, 2020

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Raise your hand if you’re part of the clean plate club! 

Raise 2 hands if you’re part of the 2 clean plates club! 

I GET it. Our lifestyles are set up perfectly to turn us into total food-aholics.

Our fast-paced, over-scheduled lives have us shoveling food so fast we barely even taste it.

We’re encouraged by movies to binge food for comfort (who else has been the cliche eating a tub of ice cream after a breakup?).

And diet culture perpetuates our yoyo-ing between eating half a carrot for...

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Episode 76: 5 Things Your Cravings Are Trying to Tell You

Nov 10, 2020

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What do you do when you get a craving? Do you try to control it? Shut it down with willpower? Avoid then binge? Convince yourself you don't need it (while secretly obsessing about it)?

The true secret to conquering cravings once and for all isn't in avoiding your food of choice; more often than not that just gives it more power and makes it that much worse when you finally do give in. 

I know I can't be the only one who's avoided eating a cookie and ended up eating 8 cookies, a slice of cake, and a half a bag...

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Episode 73: 5 Realistic Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits Through Crazy Busy Seasons

Oct 20, 2020

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We all have what I call ‘sprint seasons’ in our life where it doesn’t matter how good we are with time management, our days are just utterly packed. 

And during those times it can feel like the ONLY option is to completely let go of the reigns on our healthy habits. That’s usually when we start to skip meals, hit the drive through, or shovel a handful of goldfish crackers down our throats and call it ‘lunch’.

But losing weight and keeping it off can’t be about only...

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Episode 70: 3 Steps to Ditch Diets and Find Food Freedom with Intuitive Eating

Sep 29, 2020

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If I told you that you can have the body you've always wanted without cutting out your favorite food, without counting calories, and without starving yourself, how would you feel?

My guess? Skeptical as fuck. 

It sounds way too good to be true, right? Especially if even the strictest of diets hasn't brought you the results you want. 

I know when I used to diet hop, I figured if x diet didn't work, it just meant that I needed to be that much more disciplined, I needed to cut out ...

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