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Episode 248: Making Peace with Food with Mindful Eating

Oct 15, 2024

 When I say “mindful eating” or “listen to your body” what’s your instinctual response?

I know for a lot of people their knee jerk reaction is, “My body wants cheetos and ice cream at every meal, so I don’t think you want me listening to my body.”

This is incredibly common and it points to an unfortunate theme: we do not trust our bodies. And we do not trust ourselves.

And where does that leave us but to rely on a diet telling us exactly what we are and are not...

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Episode 213: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting (Part 2)

Oct 10, 2023

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It's happening, the moment you've been waiting all week for. I'm about to spill the tea on the exact steps I took with my food and fitness to lose those 'last 10 pounds' I gained while vacationing in Greece. 

But before we get to the good stuff I need you to see me as your personal coach right now. And as your coach I am imploring you, if you haven't listened to (or at least read) part 1 yet... GO BACK! 

I know mindset work isn't nearly as sexy as the more specific...

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Episode 212: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting

Oct 03, 2023

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I forgot what it was like... carrying weight on your body that you don't want to be there. 

I remembered it in theory.

I remember pinching my stomach with frustration. I remember folding my arms over my torso every time I sat down to hide the rolls. I remember hating sit ups because it made my pooch more pronounced. I remember working out twice a day hoping it would fix the problem. 

But what I forgot are all the emotions you experience on a minute-by-minute basis. 

I forgot that...

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Episode 196: I Had a Horrible Cheat Day... Now What?!? Part 2

Apr 18, 2023

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We've all been there... you're so good all week, avoiding the vending machine, ordering salads for lunch, cooking healthy dinners, saying no to dessert, and then it finally arrives:

Cheat day. 

And you think to yourself...

I deserve this.

It's just one meal. 

I'll get back on plan tomorrow. 

This is the last time I'll have this for at least a week, better make it count. 

And so you get the burger and fries. And the milkshake. And the soda. And the day is already ruined so that night you also...

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Episode 145: Confessions of a Health Coach

Mar 22, 2022

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If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: the biggest blockade between most women and their goals is perfectionistic, all-or-nothing thinking. 

This looks like:

  • If I didn't give it my all, sweat like a whore in church, and cry for my mommy in the gym, that workout doesn't count.
  • If I ate one cookie the day is ruined.
  • If I'm not working out every day I'm messing up. 
  • If I skip a few workouts I'm going to lose all my progress.
  • If the scale goes up at all I failed.
  • I...
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Episode 108: How This People-Pleaser Set Some Hard Boundaries [TikTok Drama Edition]

Jun 22, 2021

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"When you're not used to being confident, confidence feels like arrogance.

When you're used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression.

When you're not used to getting your needs met, prioritizing yourself feels selfish. Your comfort zone is not a good benchmark." - @cosmicteaholisticshop

A friend shared this quote with me recently and boy did it hit close to home. 

I've been a passive people-pleaser most of my life, and while I've spent years working through that in therapy, my limits have been...

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Episode 80: This is our most IMPORTANT episode to date: If You Don't Change THIS, NOTHING Changes

Dec 08, 2020

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If I asked you, "What's the number one thing sabotaging people's health goals?" what would you say? Eating too much sugar? Not working out? Binging on the weekends?

Want to know my answer? It's our minds. It's the stories we repeat in our heads daily. It's how hard we are on ourselves. It's our shame.

It's the excuses we give ourselves that keep us in our comfort zone, away from the action, away from the possibility of failure. 

It's the beliefs we hold about who we are and what we're capable of. It's...

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3 Simple Swaps to Amp Up Your Morning, and Crush Your Day

Jun 11, 2019

Watch the full episode here!

How do you start your morning each day?

Do you reach for your phone before your eyes fully open?

Do you throw on your make up while chugging coffee and running through your to-do list for the day?

Do you absently kiss your spouse on the way out the door? 

Do you run through the drive-through because you didn’t have time to make your breakfast, again?

I’ll be honest, I used to not give much thought to my morning routine either. The morning was just a necessary pit stop between sleep and work.


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