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Episode 199: Kat's Favorite Healthy Swaps for Every Day Dishes

May 23, 2023

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This Cinco De Mayo I decided to go spend some time with my big sister (a fellow holistic health coach). And as we sat and enjoyed absolutely mouthwatering gluten-and-dairy-free burritos and modified margaritas made with just tequila, lemon, lime, and lime la croix, we talked about our clients and the various ways we get them to make lasting change - ya know, typical shop talk.

Want to know our secret? 

It was a strategy we came back to again and again: eating the same...

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Episode 132: 5 Healthier Holiday Traditions to Start

Dec 14, 2021

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Years ago, whenever the holidays came around, I always felt like I had to make a choice. A choice between...

The part of me that wanted to fully embrace the holiday season, savoring my favorite traditions and treats. 

And the part of me that wanted desperately to avoid the dreaded holiday weight that seemed to be an inevitability of the season.

But after years of turmoil, I realized...

The answer wasn't to choose one side over the other.

The answer wasn't...

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Episode 129: 7 Thanksgiving Health Hacks That Don't Involve Deprivation

Nov 23, 2021

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Aaaaah Thanksgiving, a wonderful day to reconnect with family, to remind ourselves all we have to be grateful for... and to stuff our bellies to the brim. 

Now I know right off the bat if I even mention the idea of making healthier choices on Thanksgiving there will be people who get immediately defensive: "I'm not going to worry about eating healthy on Thanksgiving! It's THANKSGIVING!"

And to that I say, hear me out. 

Because I'm not here to take away your favorite dishes...

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3 Simple Swaps to Amp Up Your Morning, and Crush Your Day

Jun 11, 2019

Watch the full episode here!

How do you start your morning each day?

Do you reach for your phone before your eyes fully open?

Do you throw on your make up while chugging coffee and running through your to-do list for the day?

Do you absently kiss your spouse on the way out the door? 

Do you run through the drive-through because you didn’t have time to make your breakfast, again?

I’ll be honest, I used to not give much thought to my morning routine either. The morning was just a necessary pit stop between sleep and work.


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