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Episode 239: Demystifying and Overcoming Hormonal Weight Gain Part 2

Jul 23, 2024

Last week we started an important conversation about hormonal weight which inevitably sent us down a rabbit hole, talking about mistakes, misconceptions, and important nuances. 

We touched on the first hormone impacting your weight loss: cortisol. So I highly recommend you go back and take a listen since everyone is impacted by stress. Click here to do that now

If you're already caught up, you're ready to jump into today's episode where we're going through the rest of the core weight-management hormones: estrogen,...

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Episode 237: Are PEMF Mats a Valuable Healing Tool or Waste of Money?

Jul 09, 2024


When you see the laundry list of health benefits you can experience from a PEMF mat, you can't help but feel your inner skeptic peering around the corner to investigate. 

I myself have a strong bullshit radar and am extremely wary of wellness fads. But recently I was in a functional nutrition course run by a functional medicine practitioner who I highly respect, and when she mentioned that hypothyroid patients could benefit from the use of a PEMF mat, my ears perked up. 

Believe it or not, I immediately ordered one -...

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Episode 235: What Your Stubborn Thyroid Weight Is Trying to Tell You

Jun 04, 2024

 If you're hypothyroid, standard weight loss advice probably pisses you off...

Some gym bro on the Internet is telling you to just eat less, workout harder, track your macros, and only eat during x hours.

Been there, done that. It isn’t. fucking. working.

In fact, if you're following that advice, it's probably pushing you deeper into your plateau. But we'll get to that in a minute.

This is why I decided to create my ‘Why Can’t I Lose Weight Nutrition Intensive’. To not only give clarity as to why...

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Episode 234: Kat Finally Weighs in on Ozempic

May 21, 2024

A client of mine recently had lunch with a friend who complimented her on her now-leaner physique. 

In the past, the most common follow up question in this kind of exchange would have been, "What diet are you on?" 

But instead, her first instinct was to ask, "Are you on Ozempic?"

This is beyond concerning and tells me one thing: we are clearly not learning from our past. 

It's like we're the girl who keeps getting drawn into relationships with toxic guys, each time thinking, "This time it'll be different."

Right now...

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Episode 213: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting (Part 2)

Oct 10, 2023

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It's happening, the moment you've been waiting all week for. I'm about to spill the tea on the exact steps I took with my food and fitness to lose those 'last 10 pounds' I gained while vacationing in Greece. 

But before we get to the good stuff I need you to see me as your personal coach right now. And as your coach I am imploring you, if you haven't listened to (or at least read) part 1 yet... GO BACK! 

I know mindset work isn't nearly as sexy as the more specific...

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Episode 212: How I Lost the 'Last 10 LBS' Without Dieting, Tracking, or Restricting

Oct 03, 2023

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I forgot what it was like... carrying weight on your body that you don't want to be there. 

I remembered it in theory.

I remember pinching my stomach with frustration. I remember folding my arms over my torso every time I sat down to hide the rolls. I remember hating sit ups because it made my pooch more pronounced. I remember working out twice a day hoping it would fix the problem. 

But what I forgot are all the emotions you experience on a minute-by-minute basis. 

I forgot that...

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Episode 178: Put an End to Trial and Error with Metabolic Typing

Nov 29, 2022

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Do you ever wonder why Sarah down the street can try keto and lose 20 pounds while you try it and the scale barely budges?

Or why a documentary can shows aaaaall this research on the benefits of being vegan, but when you try it you feel lethargic, gassy, and bloated?

The answer is honestly pretty simple: bioindividuality. In less science-y terms... all bodies are different. 

Some people do really well with higher protein/higher fat diets while others do better on more carbs.


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Episode 170: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part Two

Sep 20, 2022

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Last week we dove into the first 5 action steps you need to take to boost your metabolism and make weight loss easier.

If you haven't checked that out already, click here!

If you did, you're ready to dive into part 2...

6. Choose strength training over cardio.

In part 1, I mentioned that restoring the glucose reserves in your muscles is a big part of your post-exercise metabolic boost. Meaning, you want to prioritize workouts that use up a lot of glucose, requiring more work from your body...

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Episode 169: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part One

Sep 06, 2022

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Eat less + Move More = Weight Loss!

That's what we've been told for decades, right??

Except that it isn't true... as a nation, over the past 20 years we have eaten less and moved more, and obesity is still on the rise. 


Our lifestyles have been fueling metabolic dysfunction and simply dieting, counting calories, and hitting the treadmill aren't cutting it anymore.

And even if dieting does work, who wants to count calories and restrict their...

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Episode 164: Weight Loss and Your Liver... The Connection You Never Knew About

Aug 02, 2022

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This podcast/blog is alllll about getting to the actual root of stubborn weight.

Because far too many people are gaslit and shamed about their weight struggles.

They're made to feel like they need to starve themselves to get results.

Or like their body is simply broken and they'll never be able to have the body they want.

Or like they're just plain stupid and don't know how to count calories. 

Well the buck stops here. 

If you've truly put in the effort to not just follow diets, but to...

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