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Episode 156: 3 Ways You're Sabotaging Yourself Before the Day Even Starts

Jun 07, 2022

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I want you to take a moment and think about how you spend your morning...

For most of us, our morning routine is the most consistent part of our day. We wake up at the same time, eat the same food (or we don't eat at all), and go through the same steps, day in and day out.

But by existing in this state of autopilot, we're missing out on a huge opportunity to set ourselves up for better choices, more energy, and a better mood all throughout the day. 

See, our brains like congruency. So if we...

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Episode 45: 3 Ways to Create a Routine During a Quarantine

Apr 07, 2020

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With the kids at home, businesses shutting down, and days and weeks blurring together, a routine may feel hard to come by.

But creating and sticking with a regular routine could be the best medicine amidst the chaos. 

Here are 3 approaches to try.

1. Themed Days: Make each day centered around one type of task.

  • Monday: Meal Prep
  • Tuesday: Cleaning
  • Wednesday: Major Work Projects
  • Thursday: Minor Work Tasks (emails, client reach out, etc.)
  • Friday: Social Media Engagement/Planning


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6 Minutes of Morning Movement

Sep 03, 2019

Click the black bar above to listen to the Podcast.

Click here to watch the episode on YouTube.

I'm going to be real with you... personal trainer or not, I am NOT a morning workout person.

If I had to choose between waking up 20 minutes early to do a 20 minute workout, or doing a 90 minute workout after 12 pm... 90 minutes would win every time. 

Nonetheless, my interest has been peaked lately. Over the years, I've heard more and more, just how beneficial it is to move your body first thing upon waking. 

Being a bit of a...

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3 Simple Swaps to Amp Up Your Morning, and Crush Your Day

Jun 11, 2019

Watch the full episode here!

How do you start your morning each day?

Do you reach for your phone before your eyes fully open?

Do you throw on your make up while chugging coffee and running through your to-do list for the day?

Do you absently kiss your spouse on the way out the door? 

Do you run through the drive-through because you didn’t have time to make your breakfast, again?

I’ll be honest, I used to not give much thought to my morning routine either. The morning was just a necessary pit stop between sleep and work.


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