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Episode 215: 9 Habits of Highly Disciplined People (Part 2)

Oct 31, 2023

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Last week we started our conversation about how to become the type of person who still works out when they're tired, who still cooks when they're overwhelmed, who still goes to bed on time even when their favorite show ends with a cliff hanger and all they want to do is hit that 'next episode' button.

The long and short: how to develop the skill of discipline. 

We got into some really interesting conversations last week around just the first 3 tips, so click here to...

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Episode 214: 9 Habits of Highly Disciplined People (Part 1)

Oct 24, 2023

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Do you feel like you're constantly trying to win the battle of You against You?

Sunday Night You sets an alarm to get up early to workout. Then Morning You says 'fuck that' and hits snooze until you have to get ready for work.

Motivated You makes the commitment to stop bringing junk food into the house. Then Hungry You grabs a box of cookies and a carton of ice cream at the grocery store - that bitch. 

Disciplined You decides to start going to bed at 10 o'clock. Then Nighttime You hits play...

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Episode 97: 10 Things to Stop F***ing Saying if You're Serious About Losing Weight

Apr 06, 2021

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We’re all guilty of it. We tell ourselves half-truths, give ourselves little excuses, allow ourselves get-out-of-jail-free cards for why we can’t achieve our goals.

But if we can get brutally honest, we’ll realize more often than not that little voice isn’t a voice of reason. It’s a voice of fear. And it wants to keep you nice and safe in your beautifully designed comfort zone where nothing has to change, and yet the imagined future is full of possibilities and hope.

And these are some of...

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