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Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 235: What Your Stubborn Thyroid Weight Is Trying to Tell You

Jun 04, 2024

 If you're hypothyroid, standard weight loss advice probably pisses you off...

Some gym bro on the Internet is telling you to just eat less, workout harder, track your macros, and only eat during x hours.

Been there, done that. It isn’t. fucking. working.

In fact, if you're following that advice, it's probably pushing you deeper into your plateau. But we'll get to that in a minute.

This is why I decided to create my ‘Why Can’t I Lose Weight Nutrition Intensive’. To not only give clarity as to why...

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Episode 209: From Burnout to Bliss... Holistically Healing Adrenal Fatigue

Aug 22, 2023

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This episode is for my mom.

Like me, she's dealt with years of mystery health issues. She's gone to countless doctors, tried hundreds of supplements, dozens of diets, and only ever experiences relief for short periods of time. 

But among her many tests, the one that sticks out to me is that her adrenals are absolutely shot. And if there is one thing that will put a halt to any healing, it's burned out adrenals. 

She told me about this months ago, so why am I only just writing this...

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Episode 190: Coffee... Friend or Foe?

Feb 21, 2023

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Sometimes the more you dig into nutrition studies, the more confused you become. 

I could find you literally hundreds of articles proving that alcohol has health benefits as well as hundreds of articles proving that you should never have a sip of alcohol again. 

Same can be said for fat, carbs, fasting, soy, dairy, grains... the debates on what's good vs evil are endless. 

But one controversial drink hits a little too close to home for many of us....

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Episode 113: How Trauma Affects the Body (Hint: Yes It Can Influence Your Weight)

Jul 27, 2021

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My narcissistic relationship triggered my autoimmune disease. 

Yes there were certainly other factors at play: diet, genetics, birth control. 

But for years I couldn't speak my mind for fear of retribution. For years I was on high alert, unsure what would set him off. For years I felt like I was crazy, having every word twisted and turned against me. 

My body's defenses were chronically waging war against the ever-present emotional threat and eventually turned on me, attacking my own thyroid...

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Episode 112: How Trauma Affects Your Brain (Willpower May Not Be Your Problem After All)

Jul 20, 2021

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For years I've said that the negative emotions and experiences we don't process and release get stored in the body. Sometimes as fat, sometimes as illness, sometimes as injury.

It always sounded 'woo woo' when it came out of my mouth, but finally I've discovered a book that scientifically backs up this intuition. 

'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel Van Der KolK, MD, is one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read on trauma, how it affects the brain and body, and how to heal...

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Episode 60: 3 MUST DO'S to Lose Weight with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Jul 21, 2020

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In my early years of hypothyroidism, before I was even aware I had Hashimoto’s, I hated my body. I despised the little ring of fat around my tummy, my soft arms, and the stretch marks starting to form on my inner thighs. 

But I’m no victim, I wasn’t going to just stand there and let my thyroid dictate what I looked like. So I got to work. 2-a-day workouts were my norm, combining strength and cardio to burn off every bit of fat I could. I treated carbs like they were the enemy, waiting for me to...

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