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Episode 199: Kat's Favorite Healthy Swaps for Every Day Dishes

May 23, 2023

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This Cinco De Mayo I decided to go spend some time with my big sister (a fellow holistic health coach). And as we sat and enjoyed absolutely mouthwatering gluten-and-dairy-free burritos and modified margaritas made with just tequila, lemon, lime, and lime la croix, we talked about our clients and the various ways we get them to make lasting change - ya know, typical shop talk.

Want to know our secret? 

It was a strategy we came back to again and again: eating the same...

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Episode 198: From Novice to Expert - How to Move Up the Ranks as a Health Warrior

May 09, 2023

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Do you ever want someone to just freaking tell you what to eat? What's good? What's bad? What's allowed? What's not?

I get it. That is the simplicity and clarity we need when we're new to any skill.

If we're just starting piano, we can't start with chords and using both hands at once. We have to learn note by note, pluck it out finger by finger.

But eventually, if we want to get good, we have to progress. We have to learn the more advanced skills, navigate the greater complexities, until eventually we...

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Episode 197: The Secret to Getting Yourself to Change

Apr 25, 2023

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Tell me if you've experienced this situation before...

You're scrolling social media, and one of your favorite health coaches comes on with a really inspiring post and you think to yourself, That's it... I'm doing it. 

You have a conversation with her, you hand her your credit card, and then you go to start the program and suddenly all that motivation you had when you saw that post disappears. 

You don't really want to follow her suggestions, you find yourself dodging her calls, you rebel against...

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Episode 190: Coffee... Friend or Foe?

Feb 21, 2023

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Sometimes the more you dig into nutrition studies, the more confused you become. 

I could find you literally hundreds of articles proving that alcohol has health benefits as well as hundreds of articles proving that you should never have a sip of alcohol again. 

Same can be said for fat, carbs, fasting, soy, dairy, grains... the debates on what's good vs evil are endless. 

But one controversial drink hits a little too close to home for many of us....

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Episode 188: 6 Ways to Supercharge Your Superfoods

Feb 07, 2023

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I'm always the person who's looking to get any extra edge I can when it comes to my health. I don't want to be 'normal'. I don't want to be 'average'. I want to optimize my body and my health and see how far I can go. 

But I know not everyone is like me. Some of us are just trying to put one foot in front of the other and get to a place of even feeling ok on a day-to-day basis. Which is totally fine too!

Whichever category you fit into, this episode is for you because we are going over ways to...

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Episode 184: 6 Reasons Multiple Diets Haven't Worked for You

Jan 10, 2023

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99% of the women who come to my practice have tried every diet under the sun. They’ve tracked their food, cut carbs, timed their meals, and they are exhausted.

Exhausted from the trial and error, exhausted from getting their hopes dashed, exhausted from being unhappy in their skin.

That’s where I come in. To shed light on why their past attempts haven’t worked (hint: your body is not broken) and to pave a new path that puts an end to yo-yo dieting for good.

So if you’re wondering why the...

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Episode 183: 6 Signs You Need an Elimination Diet in 2023

Jan 03, 2023

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First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

We have officially made it to 2023, and I know right about this time we're looking ahead at how we want the next go-around-the-sun to look.

Meanwhile we may also be contending with a bit of guilt after some full-fuck-it behavior over the holidays and are ready to dial it back in. 

The question is... how are you going to prepare yourself for the year ahead? How are you going to dial it in?

Are going to peruse the latest fad diets? Go back to the old...

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Episode 175: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 2

Nov 01, 2022

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So you want to lose weight but you're sick of having to pull out an app or calculator every time you want to take a bite of something tasty. 

I hear you. That's why I wanted to load up your tool kit with incredibly effective, science-back strategies to help you reach your weight loss goals without tracking a damn thing.

Last week we got into the first 5 habits to implement, so don't forget to start there

Already listened? Then you're ready to move on to our second batch of tips and tricks!

6. Always...

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Episode 174: 10 Tips to Lose Weight Without Tracking Your Food - Part 1

Oct 25, 2022

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So you want to lose weight, but you're sick of counting calories, tracking macros, logging points, and in general having to pull out an app every time you want to take a bite of something tasty.

The good news is, if you look at the healthiest, longest living countries in the world, food tracking is virtually unheard of. 

Proof that it can be done!

Here's what swap that calculator for...

1. Eat slower.

"...researchers looked at data from 60,000 people with diabetes over a six-year period. The...

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Episode 169: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part One

Sep 06, 2022

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Eat less + Move More = Weight Loss!

That's what we've been told for decades, right??

Except that it isn't true... as a nation, over the past 20 years we have eaten less and moved more, and obesity is still on the rise. 


Our lifestyles have been fueling metabolic dysfunction and simply dieting, counting calories, and hitting the treadmill aren't cutting it anymore.

And even if dieting does work, who wants to count calories and restrict their...

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