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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 218: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 1)

Nov 28, 2023

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When it comes to nutrition I know there are countless voices out there, all with conflicting messages, all with 'science-backed' arguments. They all are very convincing and therefore confusing as hell.

It may leave you in analysis paralysis unsure of where to start.

It may be giving you major food fear since everyone is demonizing something.

Or it may just leave you wanting to throw your hands in the air and say 'fuck it, it's too confusing, I'm going to mess it up, so...

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Episode 105: Starting a Weight Loss Journey With My S.T.R.O.N.G Method

Jun 01, 2021

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As the pandemic winds down, you may be feeling like you're starting at square one with your health and fitness journey. 

With excess stress, closed gyms, no consistent routine, the pantry 5 steps away at all times, and no one seeing us from the chest down, a lot of us struggled not to put weight on and say bye-bye to healthy habits.

So let's break it down, start from the beginning, and take it one step at a time using my S.T.R.O.N.G Method:

Start Your Journey with Clarity.

So few people take the time to...

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How to START a Weight Loss Journey in 4 Easy Steps

Sep 20, 2018

Starting a weight loss journey can be an incredibly overwhelming experience, especially when:

  • past programs either didn't work, or gave short term results
  • conflicting advice leads to more confusion than clarity
  • there isn't enough time to make any major changes to health related habits
  • or when stepping into the weight loss world for the first time with no clue as to what to eat or what workouts to do.

But believe me when I say... losing weight does not have to be that complicated. In fact, if it is too complicated,...

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