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Episode 126: 10 Fitness Mistakes That Are Inhibiting Your Weight Loss

Nov 02, 2021

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So you finally did it! After hemming and hawing for weeks, you finally got up the motivation to start a workout routine.

You got a cute new workout outfit, you found a gym, class, or program you're ready to commit to, you got your hair in that high messy bun that says you mean business, and you are ready to get in there and prove to those mean girls from high school you do NOT have cankles!

But a month later, you've only lost a pound and feel that hyped up motivation slipping through your...

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Episode 123: Fitness 101: Types of Exercise and Their Benefits

Oct 12, 2021

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Do you ever walk into the gym feeling unsure and self conscious, so you just hop on the treadmill to avoid any possible embarrassment?

Do you feel like when you workout you're just spinning your wheels, not getting the results you're looking for?

Do you wish you knew how to optimize your sweat sessions to get the most burn for your buck without injuring yourself?

In today's episode I'm going to help you gain more understanding of the different types of workouts to choose from, their benefits, and...

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Episode 42: 5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Motivation to Workout

Mar 17, 2020

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If you struggle staying motivated to workout regularly, I totally understand. Even as a personal trainer I struggle with this from time to time. But while we tend to preoccupy ourselves with finding motivation hacks, rarely do we take the time to figure out how we're sabotaging our motivation to begin with. 

1. You're pigeonholing what it means to 'workout'.

If you say you don't like working out, chances are you have a very narrow perspective on what working out is. Getting your exercise in doesn't mean you have...

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Why I'm Taking on a New Fitness Challenge, and Why YOU Should Join Me!

Mar 12, 2020

Why am I doing this?

"You're already fit, you're already a trainer, so why in the world are you taking on a new fitness challenge?" 

I'm going to be totally honest with you, while my exterior may look fit, my health is not where I want it to be right now. As some of you already know, I've been dealing with hair loss, my acne started to come back, and while I'm always consistent with leading an active lifestyle, it's been a long time since I have truly challenged myself in the gym the way I could and should. 


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Episode 39: Choosing Fierce Over Fear with Natalia Maravi

Feb 25, 2020

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In this week's episode, I was super excited to sit down with DivaDance North Dallas studio owner, Natalia Maravi. Listen in to hear her inspiring story of going from a newbie dancer at 26 years old, to dance fitness instructor, to studio owner in just a matter of years.

Her story is not that of an overnight success, or of privilege, or of certainty in her path. No, hers is a story demonstrating the power of baby steps, listening to your intuition, and stepping into the unknown to unleash a career...

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3 Ways to Lose Weight Faster WITHOUT Slowing Your Metabolism

Sep 17, 2019

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Or watch it on YouTube.


Hey friend, so I'm aware, as of late, I've been heavy into personal development, productivity, and business development for newbie entrepreneurs.

However, I want you to know I have not left my fitness folks behind. Which is why I'm doing a special series of fitness blogs.

I'm calling it, The 5 Days of Fitness. (I love alliterations, don't you?)

So, for the next few posts I'll be answering some...

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6 Minutes of Morning Movement

Sep 03, 2019

Click the black bar above to listen to the Podcast.

Click here to watch the episode on YouTube.

I'm going to be real with you... personal trainer or not, I am NOT a morning workout person.

If I had to choose between waking up 20 minutes early to do a 20 minute workout, or doing a 90 minute workout after 12 pm... 90 minutes would win every time. 

Nonetheless, my interest has been peaked lately. Over the years, I've heard more and more, just how beneficial it is to move your body first thing upon waking. 

Being a bit of a...

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The Secret About Your "Trouble Zones" They Aren't Telling You

Dec 03, 2018

"I always have this poochy belly..."

"I hate my thick thighs..."

"By butt is too big..."

"I wish my arms looked more defined..."

We all have that one area of our body that drives us nuts and, of course, it always seems like the most stubborn body part to tone, tighten, or taunt into submission. 

Why? Why is there such a thing as a "trouble zone?" And is there anything to be done about it?

Well, while there are a million DVD's and workout programs out there titled things like Chiseled Abs, Thigh Slimmer, and Burn Off That...

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The New Scoop on HIIT Training: And How It Can Help You Reach Your Goals Faster

Oct 24, 2018

If you have joined in on any workout regimen in the last couple of years, chances are good you've come across the term "HIIT training" or "High Intensity Interval Training." 

This type of training pairs short bouts of extremely high intensity cardio moves (think sprinting at 90% of your max effort) with slightly longer bouts of active recovery (like walking at a slow to moderate pace).

This style of training has been touted for it's ability to burn tons of calories in a short amount of time, speed weight loss, improve longevity,...

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3 Reasons Your Workout Isn't Working

Sep 12, 2018

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Download your FREE At Home Total Body Burn here! No equipment, no excuses ;)

So you're doing it; you're in the gym consistently, you're committed to your weight loss goals, you're finally in the swing of a regular workout routine, and you had some great initial success, but now... nothing. The scale isn't dropping, you're getting frustrated, and you don't know how to break through. 


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