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Episode 248: Making Peace with Food with Mindful Eating

Oct 15, 2024

 When I say “mindful eating” or “listen to your body” what’s your instinctual response?

I know for a lot of people their knee jerk reaction is, “My body wants cheetos and ice cream at every meal, so I don’t think you want me listening to my body.”

This is incredibly common and it points to an unfortunate theme: we do not trust our bodies. And we do not trust ourselves.

And where does that leave us but to rely on a diet telling us exactly what we are and are not...

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Episode 245: My #1 Tip for Healthy Travel (Sans Deprivation)

Sep 24, 2024

I just came back from a 7-day cruise and on the last night my friend Jose asked how disciplined I felt like I was during the trip. 

I said, “I don’t know that ‘disciplined’ is the right word.” Discipline in this context implies willpower, sacrifice, and strict rules. That really doesn’t describe my experience on board. 

The right word? Mindful. Here’s how this looked in practice…

Mindful of my hunger and satiety cues.

With lots of all-you-can-eat buffets it would be easy to go...

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Episode 243: How to Make a Habit 'Sticky' (Part 1)

Aug 20, 2024

How often do you find yourself using willpower when you’re trying to change your diet, or get in an exercise routine, or implement a better sleep schedule? I’m guessing a lot. 

I have to choose to get up early to make myself a healthy breakfast.

I have to choose not to eat the donuts my coworker brought to work today.

I have to choose to go to the gym at the end of the day instead of flopping off the couch.

I have to choose not to reach for that big bag of chips when I...

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Episode 242: Getting Back on Track Post Vacation

Aug 13, 2024

 It’s about that time! Back-to-school is around the corner, we’re finishing up our last-chance vaca's before it’s back to the grindstone, and thoughts are turning from ‘fuck-it vaca mode’ to ‘oh-crap-it’s-time-to-get-back-to-good-habits mode’.

But it can be hard to flip that switch when you’ve gotten out of the routine of working out, you haven’t been putting much thought into your food choices, it’s been a minute since you’ve been in...

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Episode 241: Unlocking Your Healing Potential with Deep Sleep

Aug 06, 2024

If I told you there was a pill that would help you lose weight, reduce cravings, improve blood sugar balance, slow signs of aging, give you energy, boost your mood, aid in recovery, increase immune function, enhance learning, memory, and motor skills, improve exercise performance, detoxify your body, and potentially prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia, you'd probably be jumping in line willing to pay a pretty penny for that pill. Am I right?

The good news is you don't have to pay a dime and you don't have to swallow a...

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Episode 236: Paralyzed by Information Overload? 6 Steps to Get Back into Action!

Jun 11, 2024


Over the past few weeks I've had a few newer clients come up against a similar obstacle, one I'm sure you've probably experienced yourself: information overload that has you totally freezing up. 

You're bombarded with ads for dozens of supplements, all with promises of a quick fix for your stubborn weight, your low energy, your poor digestion, your thinning hair, your aging skin, and the like.

You see experts touting wildly different diets so convincingly you can't figure out which is the right one. 


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Episode 235: What Your Stubborn Thyroid Weight Is Trying to Tell You

Jun 04, 2024

 If you're hypothyroid, standard weight loss advice probably pisses you off...

Some gym bro on the Internet is telling you to just eat less, workout harder, track your macros, and only eat during x hours.

Been there, done that. It isn’t. fucking. working.

In fact, if you're following that advice, it's probably pushing you deeper into your plateau. But we'll get to that in a minute.

This is why I decided to create my ‘Why Can’t I Lose Weight Nutrition Intensive’. To not only give clarity as to why...

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Episode 233: 13 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Funk (Part 2)

May 14, 2024

This week we continue the conversation of how to get yourself to a better place when it feels like life is just... heavy. 

If you missed part one, click here to take a listen, otherwise go ahead and dive right in! 

7. Workout (don't skip this one). 

Again, there will probably be a lot of resistance here. But working out is such a fantastic way to shift you into a better state of mind for so many reasons. You get a boost of happiness hormones like dopamine, you increase your energy, you get to listen to that badass...

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Episode 229: When Life Gets in The Way of Your Healthy Habits (Part 2)

Apr 02, 2024

 If you find that you can stick to your healthy habits as long as life is calm and organized enough, but the second a wrench gets thrown in your plans it feels like you're thrown off the wagon, this episode is for you. 

We started this conversation last week with part one and you definitely aren't going to want to miss the first 5 tips I shared for navigating life's craziest seasons with ease, so click here to check it out. Or if you're all caught up, you can jump right into today's advice for both making...

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Episode 218: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 1)

Nov 28, 2023

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When it comes to nutrition I know there are countless voices out there, all with conflicting messages, all with 'science-backed' arguments. They all are very convincing and therefore confusing as hell.

It may leave you in analysis paralysis unsure of where to start.

It may be giving you major food fear since everyone is demonizing something.

Or it may just leave you wanting to throw your hands in the air and say 'fuck it, it's too confusing, I'm going to mess it up, so...

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