Last week we started a really fun conversation about the 33 lessons I've picked up over the last 33 years. So often I'm in 'coach mode' sharing the facts and figures about how to be healthy.
But if you want to get a little more personal and hear some of the stories that have shaped me, the way I think, and the way I show up for you, all filters are down for these episodes. If you missed last week, start here. Otherwise dive right in to part 2!
12. The biggest wounds often launch the most powerful healing.
13. Stop ‘shoulding’ on yourself.
14. Even if you live in a studio apartment. Throw the party.
15. Talk to strangers. A lot.
16. Faking confidence really does help build your confidence.
17. If you learned something, you didn’t fail.
18. Stop rushing. Everything is happening in divine timing.
19. The clothes you wear have a big impact on how you move through the world. Go shopping every once in a while.
20. When you’re really stuck, hire people who know more than you to help.
21. Be careful who you take advice from. If they don’t have the life you want, they’re just guessing at how to get there.
22. Investing in your health is never a bad idea.
23. Track your finances. And yes, invest.
24. If your life is a movie, make it one worth watching.
25. You are the main character in your life, act like it.
26. Long walks fix a lot more than you’d think.
27. If you’re really clear about what you want, the universe usually finds a way of getting it to you.
28. Sometimes you need more rest, stop fighting it.
29. When your brain is noisy, drop into your body.
30. You don’t have to be perfectly ‘healed’ to be in a relationship. A lot of healing happens within a healthy relationship.
31. Ask for what you want. In your friendships, in business, in the doctor’s office, in restaurants, and yes, in bed.
32. Save money. But also buy the trip to Greece.
33. The same force that brought you every good thing in your life is at work all the time. Never forget that.
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