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Episode 201: Holistic Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Jun 20, 2023

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Spring is in the air and along with it comes a whole lot of pollen leading to runny noses, itchy eyes, rashes, and sneezing... definitely not good prep for a hot girl summer. 

And while I know it can be tempting to just hit those antihistamines all day every day, that comes with its own risks. 

Long term antihistamine use may increase your risk of dementia because of its action on neurotransmitters, and it has been linked to issues like blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, an...

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Episode 167: 6 Proven Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Aug 23, 2022

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With fall around the corner and another uptick in covid cases, I thought it was about time to dedicate a podcast episode to improving your immune health. 

I can tell you from experience, my immune system used to be shot. 

I got bronchitis multiple times per year.

Whenever I did get sick it would linger for weeks, if not months.

And I landed myself an autoimmune disease. (I know, good times!)

These days, my Hashimoto's is in remission, I get sick maybe once per year, more often than not I can stop an...

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Get Un-Sick QUICK Guide

Dec 31, 2018

I think we can all agree... NO ONE likes getting sick. Which is why I put together this little guide of the holistic practices I use to fight illness fast. I mean, I knocked out my sore throat in 2 days flat just a few weeks ago using this exact routine.

And here's the crazy thing, for years, when I would get sick, I would get sick for a month at a time.

It always started the same, I'd get a sore throat, the sore throat would turn into a bronchitis, the bronchitis would turn into a deep chest cough, and on...

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