Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
“I’m too tired.”
“It’s been a stressful day, I deserve a treat.”
“I’m just not motivated.”
“I’ll start tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to waste food.”
These are just a handful of the things we tell ourselves day in and day out that are keeping us stuck making poor food choices, skipping the gym, and generally not following through on our health goals.
And the thing is, some people will...
How many times? How many times have...
Last week was rough. My cycle came and with it a huge wave of absolute, pure and utter exhaustion. Like, kept-nodding-off-in-the-chair-while-I-was-getting-my-hair-done exhaustion.
In this situation, it was absolutely the right call for me to trade my gym session for a walk on the trail. I was still getting movement in, but movement that actually added to my energy instead of depleting it further.
Don’t get me wrong, skipping the workout is not always the right call.
For example, if you miss your workouts 5 times a...
It’s about that time! Back-to-school is around the corner, we’re finishing up our last-chance vaca's before it’s back to the grindstone, and thoughts are turning from ‘fuck-it vaca mode’ to ‘oh-crap-it’s-time-to-get-back-to-good-habits mode’.
But it can be hard to flip that switch when you’ve gotten out of the routine of working out, you haven’t been putting much thought into your food choices, it’s been a minute since you’ve been in...
If there is one common trajectory every one of my clients follows it's this: they start off highly motivated and excited to get started, they stay totally dialed into the process and are pushed forward by the results they see, and then inevitably they hit a wall.
A parent gets sick.
An unexpected move happens.
A child goes through a tough time.
A big trip comes up.
The school year starts.
Their spouse gets let go.
They start a new job.
They run into a busy season.
What determines my clients'...
Last week we started our conversation about how to become the type of person who still works out when they're tired, who still cooks when they're overwhelmed, who still goes to bed on time even when their favorite show ends with a cliff hanger and all they want to do is hit that 'next episode' button.
The long and short: how to develop the skill of discipline.
We got into some really interesting conversations last week around just the first 3 tips, so click here to...
I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand more times...
In the game of health and weight loss, your mindset will fuck you up more than a cheat day ever will.
How you speak to yourself, how you perceive setbacks, how you think about obstacles, and what you focus on is the difference between you taking another step forward or quitting.
It's the difference between you staying consistent or swinging from one extreme to another.
It's the difference between you feeling grateful when you...
We’re all guilty of it. We tell ourselves half-truths, give ourselves little excuses, allow ourselves get-out-of-jail-free cards for why we can’t achieve our goals.
But if we can get brutally honest, we’ll realize more often than not that little voice isn’t a voice of reason. It’s a voice of fear. And it wants to keep you nice and safe in your beautifully designed comfort zone where nothing has to change, and yet the imagined future is full of possibilities and hope.
And these are some of...
If I asked you, "What's the number one thing sabotaging people's health goals?" what would you say? Eating too much sugar? Not working out? Binging on the weekends?
Want to know my answer? It's our minds. It's the stories we repeat in our heads daily. It's how hard we are on ourselves. It's our shame.
It's the excuses we give ourselves that keep us in our comfort zone, away from the action, away from the possibility of failure.
It's the beliefs we hold about who we are and what we're capable of. It's...
Too busy to read? Click above to listen in.
I have a story for you that I think is important for you to hear, so listen up...
I was on a coaching call with a client this past week, who was struggling with the nutrition part of her program.
She was having a hard time with knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and with figuring out what was really healthy versus what was just good marketing (a fair concern).
She talked about how she had done so many diets before that didn't work, that didn't last,...