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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 229: When Life Gets in The Way of Your Healthy Habits (Part 2)

Apr 02, 2024

 If you find that you can stick to your healthy habits as long as life is calm and organized enough, but the second a wrench gets thrown in your plans it feels like you're thrown off the wagon, this episode is for you. 

We started this conversation last week with part one and you definitely aren't going to want to miss the first 5 tips I shared for navigating life's craziest seasons with ease, so click here to check it out. Or if you're all caught up, you can jump right into today's advice for both making...

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Episode 219: Nutrition 101 - Simplifying the Science of Eating Well (Part 2)

Dec 12, 2023

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In this 3-part series I'm taking the confusion and overwhelm out of nutrition by sharing some universal truths about the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and, fat (and how too much or too little of each will impact the body).

Plus we'll dive into some very basic habits anyone and everyone would benefit from adopting! 

If you missed episode 1, pop on back and listen to that before diving into today's episode!

Macronutrient #2: Fat

Fat is an essential nutrient that our body needs to operate at its...

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Episode 207: Overcoming Food Fear - Part 1

Aug 01, 2023

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Let me tell you the story of how I had my dream car for 5 days. 

My jetta was totaled and on my hunt for a new car I came across a beautiful mini cooper at Carmax. It was a convertible with a silver exterior, gorgeous plaid interior, and shockingly in my budget. 

I drove it off the lot, windows down, my favorite music playing, and I felt like I had made it. 

But as the week went on something interesting happened. 

I constantly worried about it. 

I worried...

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Episode 192: 6 Ways to Celebrate Life Without Junk Food

Mar 07, 2023

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Do you ever get stuck in the middle between your ideal body and your ideal lifestyle?

Like, you want to be lean, and toned, and feel good in your skin, but you also want to relax and enjoy having fun with friends and family -  celebrating birthdays, holidays, and heck, making it to the weekend. 

Well, this is where that all-to-common all-or-nothing thinking comes into play. We think we have to either be super strict with our food and have the body we want or we can have fun...

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Episode 190: Coffee... Friend or Foe?

Feb 21, 2023

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Sometimes the more you dig into nutrition studies, the more confused you become. 

I could find you literally hundreds of articles proving that alcohol has health benefits as well as hundreds of articles proving that you should never have a sip of alcohol again. 

Same can be said for fat, carbs, fasting, soy, dairy, grains... the debates on what's good vs evil are endless. 

But one controversial drink hits a little too close to home for many of us....

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Episode 166: WE REBRANDED! Welcome to Follow Your Gut!

Aug 16, 2022

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I'm going to be real with you... this is not the podcast episode I had planned for today.

Last week I wrote a fantastic guide on how to ramp up your immune system naturally as we head into fall and another covid wave. 

However, when my co-host Gio and I went to record it this morning... poof! The guide was gone. 

But we roll with the punches here and my girl Gio came to the rescue with a great idea while my tech guys tried to find my missing blog post.

You may have noticed that a couple of weeks...

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Episode 146: 4 Steps to Fix a Broken Gut

Mar 29, 2022

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Last week I posted a video on Instagram explaining why the health of our gut is essential on our weight loss journey (especially when you feel like you’ve already tried everything).

To recap, your gut microbiome…

Impacts your metabolism, appetite, and fat storage.

Can cause overwhelming sugar and carb cravings.

Has the power to cause mood disorders, anxiety, and depression via the vagus nerve (which obviously may influence emotional eating).

Affects your blood sugar response to food (the...

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Episode 143: How to Do a Cleanse the RIGHT Way

Mar 08, 2022

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Summer is quickly approaching and with the season of bikinis and short-shorts upon us, you may be contemplating the idea of a 'cleanse' or 'detox' to tighten up those trouble zones.

Maybe you're thinking it would be good to erase some of the damage done to your body over the holidays.

Maybe you want to drop some left-over covid weight.

Maybe you're trying to get a handle on those sugar cravings before that beach vacation.

Whatever the case may be, let's talk about cleanses, detoxes, and...

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Episode 121: "Fat Burning Foods"... Fact or Fantasy??

Sep 28, 2021

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Raise your hand if you've found yourself foregoing your morning coffee for a cup of hot lemon water or a giant glass of celery juice.

Or if you've ever kept that cup of joe, but added spoonfuls of coconut oil to it.

Or if you've put yourself through the gag-inducing shot of apple cider vinegar before your meals...

All in the name of dropping a few stubborn pounds.

The question is, do these diet tricks belong in the giant book of weight loss hoaxes? Or is there scientific merit to any of these...

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Episode 120: Should You Be Eating for Your Metabolic Type?

Sep 21, 2021

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Have you ever heard of the body type diet or the metabolic type diet?

Or maybe you've heard the terms 'ectomorphs', 'endomorphs', or 'mesomorphs' thrown around on social media or in your local gym. 

If so, you may have some questions like one of our awesome podcast listeners did, such as: what's the actual science behind it? And is it a useful thing to know and rely on in a better health journey?

So the truth is, in the 40's a psychologist by the name of Doctor William Sheldon came up with the 3...

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