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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 154: Kat's Top 10 Tips to Stay Healthy While Vacationing (Without Deprivation)

May 24, 2022

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This week I was chatting with a client who is going to be traveling for 4. months. straight. this summer. 
Not only that, but she'll be traveling to places that have limited healthy options, AND she'll be traveling with friends who are not quite as health conscious as she is. 
And I figured, since summer is around the corner and you very likely have some trips planned of your own that you would rather not completely derail you... now might be a good time for a podcast episode...
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Episode 148: How to Eat More Produce Without It Going to Waste

Apr 12, 2022

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We all know we should be eating more fruits and vegetables, right? They're low in calories and high in nutrients, fiber, and water... basically the perfect weight loss food AND there is no better fuel for your gut health.
But I constantly hear from my clients how any time they load up on produce, half of it ends up rotting in their fridge and going to waste.
So today we're going to fix that with some simple shopping, cooking, and storing hacks so you can feeling confident filling your...
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Episode 54: If I Had to Give ONE Tip to Lose Weight, Feel Your Best, and Prevent Disease... THIS is it!

Jun 09, 2020

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We were all told as kids to 'eat your fruits and veggies'. But how much is enough? What counts as a serving? Why do we need so many? And how do we fit them all in?? 

These are the questions I'll be answering in this week's episode of the Life Unleashed Podcast!

How Many Servings of Produce Should You Aim for Daily?

8 Fist-Sized Servings (approximately 3/4 cup each).

Why So Many?

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