Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.
I can't tell you how many times I've had this conversation:
Client/friend/stranger on the street when they find out I'm a nutrition coach: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm seriously eating so much healthier than I used to, but I just can't get this weight off."
Me: "Hmmm, ok tell me what your diet and workout routine are looking like."
Them: *Gives me a list of seemingly solid choices based off old fitness magazines, but includes a number of red flags*.
Me: "Got it, here's what we've got to do..."
My obsession with diet, exercise, and my body weight started at a very early age. I remember devouring nutrition and fitness articles in middle school. Following my mom’s workout DVDs before I was 13 years old. Analyzing the small layer of fat around my midsection in the mirrors of my dance studio at 11 years old.
And yet, I would still spend the next 10 years living in a body I hated.
No matter how obsessed I got about what exercises I should do or what diet I should follow, I just couldn’t stick with a...