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Episode 254: How to Break Through Excuses and Get Sh*t Done

Dec 03, 2024


“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“I’m too tired.”

“It’s been a stressful day, I deserve a treat.”

“I’m just not motivated.”

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to waste food.”

These are just a handful of the things we tell ourselves day in and day out that are keeping us stuck making poor food choices, skipping the gym, and generally not following through on our health goals.

And the thing is, some people will...

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Episode 200: 6 Ways to Improve Your Body Image (Without Losing a Pound)

Jun 06, 2023

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Most of the women who hire me as a coach have the same goal: they want to lose weight. And while some are there because their weight is related to health issues and they want to get better, a lot of them are in good health but they just want to feel better in their skin... i.e. have more confidence.

And of course I'm beyond happy to help anyone reach whatever goals they have.

But I also want you to know, you do not need to hit your goal weight in order to feel good about the way you look. That's...

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Episode 195: I Had a Horrible Cheat Day... Now What?!? Part 1

Apr 11, 2023

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We've all been there... you're so good all week, avoiding the vending machine, ordering salads for lunch, cooking healthy dinners, saying no to dessert, and then it finally arrives:

Cheat day. 

And you think to yourself...

I deserve this.

It's just one meal. 

I'll get back on plan tomorrow. 

This is the last time I'll have this for at least a week, better make it count. 

And so you get the burger and fries. And the milkshake. And the soda. And the day is already ruined so that night you also...

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Episode 186: 10 Things We're Leaving Behind in 2022 - Part 2

Jan 24, 2023

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We're 4 weeks into 2023 and I know when a new year starts we set our eyes on who we want to become.

But we sometimes forget that in order to evolve into the next version of ourselves, we have to let go of the parts of us that don't serve us anymore and that are keeping us stuck. 

To be clear, this is not about judging ourselves for past mistakes we made or past versions of ourselves that no longer resonate with us.

This is about showing gratitude to those parts that helped us at one...

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Episode 145: Confessions of a Health Coach

Mar 22, 2022

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If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: the biggest blockade between most women and their goals is perfectionistic, all-or-nothing thinking. 

This looks like:

  • If I didn't give it my all, sweat like a whore in church, and cry for my mommy in the gym, that workout doesn't count.
  • If I ate one cookie the day is ruined.
  • If I'm not working out every day I'm messing up. 
  • If I skip a few workouts I'm going to lose all my progress.
  • If the scale goes up at all I failed.
  • I...
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Episode 82: 3 Steps to Avoid the All or Nothing Mindset (Holiday Edition)

Dec 22, 2020

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A lot of times around the holidays we have 1 of 2 MO's when it comes to nutrition: 

1: Fuck it! It's the holidays! I'm eating all the things! #treatyoself #ilovecookies #whatsaworkout? #yolo

or 2: I'm going to be good this year. I don't need that cookie. Nope, no holiday cocktail for me. S'mores? No thanks....... Fast forward to standing in front of the fridge at midnight eating every dessert in site. 

This is what is properly known as the all-or-nothing mindset. And as you can see, it rarely leads to good...

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Trapped in the Perfectionist Paradox??

May 21, 2019

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I have a story for you that I think is important for you to hear, so listen up...

I was on a coaching call with a client this past week, who was struggling with the nutrition part of her program.

She was having  a hard time with knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and with figuring out what was really healthy versus what was just good marketing (a fair concern).

She talked about how she had done so many diets before that didn't work, that didn't last,...

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