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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 247: Never Fall Off the Wagon Again with Habit Flexibility

Oct 08, 2024

Last week was rough. My cycle came and with it a huge wave of absolute, pure and utter exhaustion. Like, kept-nodding-off-in-the-chair-while-I-was-getting-my-hair-done exhaustion. 

In this situation, it was absolutely the right call for me to trade my gym session for a walk on the trail. I was still getting movement in, but movement that actually added to my energy instead of depleting it further. 

Don’t get me wrong, skipping the workout is not always the right call. 

For example, if you miss your workouts 5 times a...

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Episode 245: My #1 Tip for Healthy Travel (Sans Deprivation)

Sep 24, 2024

I just came back from a 7-day cruise and on the last night my friend Jose asked how disciplined I felt like I was during the trip. 

I said, “I don’t know that ‘disciplined’ is the right word.” Discipline in this context implies willpower, sacrifice, and strict rules. That really doesn’t describe my experience on board. 

The right word? Mindful. Here’s how this looked in practice…

Mindful of my hunger and satiety cues.

With lots of all-you-can-eat buffets it would be easy to go...

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Episode 238: Demystifying and Overcoming Hormonal Weight Gain Part 1

Jul 16, 2024

This week I did something I almost never do on Instagram. I called someone out. Well not just someone, I called out a fellow weight loss coach who I actually highly respect and admire (and who has 974k followers). 

In his post, he claimed experts that talk about the connection between cortisol (and other hormones) and weight gain are lying to you and just trying to scare you into buying their programs. 

His argument? That if cortisol was responsible for weight gain, prisoners of war who are underfed...

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Episode 215: 9 Habits of Highly Disciplined People (Part 2)

Oct 31, 2023

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Last week we started our conversation about how to become the type of person who still works out when they're tired, who still cooks when they're overwhelmed, who still goes to bed on time even when their favorite show ends with a cliff hanger and all they want to do is hit that 'next episode' button.

The long and short: how to develop the skill of discipline. 

We got into some really interesting conversations last week around just the first 3 tips, so click here to...

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Episode 186: 10 Things We're Leaving Behind in 2022 - Part 2

Jan 24, 2023

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We're 4 weeks into 2023 and I know when a new year starts we set our eyes on who we want to become.

But we sometimes forget that in order to evolve into the next version of ourselves, we have to let go of the parts of us that don't serve us anymore and that are keeping us stuck. 

To be clear, this is not about judging ourselves for past mistakes we made or past versions of ourselves that no longer resonate with us.

This is about showing gratitude to those parts that helped us at one...

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Episode 184: 6 Reasons Multiple Diets Haven't Worked for You

Jan 10, 2023

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99% of the women who come to my practice have tried every diet under the sun. They’ve tracked their food, cut carbs, timed their meals, and they are exhausted.

Exhausted from the trial and error, exhausted from getting their hopes dashed, exhausted from being unhappy in their skin.

That’s where I come in. To shed light on why their past attempts haven’t worked (hint: your body is not broken) and to pave a new path that puts an end to yo-yo dieting for good.

So if you’re wondering why the...

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Episode 176: Q&A in Kat's Coaching Corner - Part 1

Nov 08, 2022

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Do you ever just wish you could have a little coach in your pocket, answering any nutrition or fitness questions that come up to help keep you on track??

Well... welcome to Kat's Coaching Corner!

Last week, Tanya (the influencer I work with) and I did a Q&A on her page and ya'll loved it! And so the Coaching Corner was born.

Each week I'll be posting a questions sticker on my Instagram stories to help clarify and support you on whatever journey you may be on.

Then I'll be bringing the best...

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Episode 170: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Today - Part Two

Sep 20, 2022

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Last week we dove into the first 5 action steps you need to take to boost your metabolism and make weight loss easier.

If you haven't checked that out already, click here!

If you did, you're ready to dive into part 2...

6. Choose strength training over cardio.

In part 1, I mentioned that restoring the glucose reserves in your muscles is a big part of your post-exercise metabolic boost. Meaning, you want to prioritize workouts that use up a lot of glucose, requiring more work from your body...

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Episode 143: How to Do a Cleanse the RIGHT Way

Mar 08, 2022

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Summer is quickly approaching and with the season of bikinis and short-shorts upon us, you may be contemplating the idea of a 'cleanse' or 'detox' to tighten up those trouble zones.

Maybe you're thinking it would be good to erase some of the damage done to your body over the holidays.

Maybe you want to drop some left-over covid weight.

Maybe you're trying to get a handle on those sugar cravings before that beach vacation.

Whatever the case may be, let's talk about cleanses, detoxes, and...

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Episode 128: Weight Loss After Menopause!

Nov 16, 2021

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Picture this: you're in your 40's and suddenly you're experiencing things you've never had to deal with before. You're getting hot when it's 62 degrees outside, your husband's chewing is suddenly making you irrationally angry, you're starting to see a tire forming around your midsection despite your daily barre class, and sleep comes in inconsistent waves that are driving you mad. 

Yup, you've hit perimenopause and now you want to know what to do to slow down the clock (if not turn it back...

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