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Episode 239: Demystifying and Overcoming Hormonal Weight Gain Part 2

Jul 23, 2024

Last week we started an important conversation about hormonal weight which inevitably sent us down a rabbit hole, talking about mistakes, misconceptions, and important nuances. 

We touched on the first hormone impacting your weight loss: cortisol. So I highly recommend you go back and take a listen since everyone is impacted by stress. Click here to do that now

If you're already caught up, you're ready to jump into today's episode where we're going through the rest of the core weight-management hormones: estrogen,...

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Episode 238: Demystifying and Overcoming Hormonal Weight Gain Part 1

Jul 16, 2024

This week I did something I almost never do on Instagram. I called someone out. Well not just someone, I called out a fellow weight loss coach who I actually highly respect and admire (and who has 974k followers). 

In his post, he claimed experts that talk about the connection between cortisol (and other hormones) and weight gain are lying to you and just trying to scare you into buying their programs. 

His argument? That if cortisol was responsible for weight gain, prisoners of war who are underfed...

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Episode 227: 4 Steps to Living Symptom Free with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Part 2)

Mar 05, 2024

Last week I shared the first two steps of living a symptom-free life with Hashimoto's. These are the steps I parsed down from 2 decades of my own trial and error, literally hundreds of hours of research, time working with a number of functional medicine practitioners, over a decade of working 1:1 with clients, and expanding my knowledge with programs like Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Gut Honest Truth Academy, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and Functional Nutrition Alliance. 

I wish I had a shortcut when I was first...

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Episode 223: 4 Foods That Are Hurting Your Thyroid

Jan 23, 2024

In honor of thyroid awareness month, today we're chatting about eating for your thyroid. Or more accurately, what NOT to eat. 

As a Hashimoto's Thyroiditis warrior, this topic is close to my heart. Learning about how nutrition impacts this powerhouse organ was a turning point for me in my healing journey. 

For years I was on thyroid medication, but without the knowledge I'm sharing today, I still struggled with cold hands and feet, stubborn weight, irregular menstrual cycles, and debilitating fatigue. 


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Episode 202: Kat's Story... Healing Leaky Gut, Candida, Hashimoto's, SIBO, H Pylori, and More!

Jun 27, 2023

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I’ve been a weight loss coach for over a decade. Which means I’ve shared my story of overcoming disordered eating. I’ve shared the story of healing my metabolism. I’ve shared the story of growing up dancing and battling with body image. 

What I haven’t shared (at least not fully) is my 2-decade-long health journey. 

For a long time I thought no one would be interested. I was told by business coaches of my past that...

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Episode 138: Kat Turned 30!!!

Feb 01, 2022

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Can I be honest with you?

I love sharing, and teaching, and coaching health (in all its aspects) to you because of course I want to help you reach your goals.

Of course I want to help you avoid the struggles and roadblocks I faced.

Of course I want to hear your wins and see your successes.

But it's also because teaching makes me feel confident, and powerful, and safe

When I'm in 'coaching mode' - as I usually am on this blog and in this podcast - there's a wall of protection around...

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Episode 113: How Trauma Affects the Body (Hint: Yes It Can Influence Your Weight)

Jul 27, 2021

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My narcissistic relationship triggered my autoimmune disease. 

Yes there were certainly other factors at play: diet, genetics, birth control. 

But for years I couldn't speak my mind for fear of retribution. For years I was on high alert, unsure what would set him off. For years I felt like I was crazy, having every word twisted and turned against me. 

My body's defenses were chronically waging war against the ever-present emotional threat and eventually turned on me, attacking my own thyroid...

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We Made It To 100!!! A Look Back At Our Most Popular Episodes!!

Apr 27, 2021

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I am so excited to announce, today we celebrate our 100th episode of the Life Unleashed Podcast!! 

When I first started this podcast with my girl Gio, I had no expectations, no idea how long it would last, no idea if anyone would listen.

I really just wanted a way to get more information and inspiration out to more people and I wanted to do it in a way where we could have deeper, more impactful conversations than an Instagram post. 

Now, 100 episodes and over 10,000 downloads later, I've...

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Letting Go of the "Problem Children"

May 30, 2019

To watch the full live training, click the video above. Otherwise catch the recap below!

Who here, on a daily basis, legitimately feels the anchors in their life holding them back?

The labels that have been put on you by others...

Expectations from your family...

A quick fix mentality...

Comparison living...


Fear of failure...

Fear of success...

The list goes on and on.

Which is why today, we're going to do some work to identify and release those problem children that are running all over the grocery store of...

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