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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 142: Lessons From My Therapist

Mar 01, 2022

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I thought I had my shit together. 

I mean honestly... I had stopped dating assholes, I was a generally pretty happy person, I had a thriving business, and a good family. 

So why the hell did I need to see a therapist?

Because somewhere along the way I realized fear was running almost every part of my life.

Sure on the outside everything seemed fine, even to me!

But upon closer inspection (which let's face it, the pandemic kind of forced us into such reflection), I realized that I...

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Episode 127: Intermittent Fasting... Take It or Leave It?

Nov 09, 2021

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I'm sure you've heard all the buzz in the past few years about the wonders of intermittent fasting.

You've probably heard appealing promises like...

It's great for longevity!

It prevents signs of aging!

It's fantastic for weight loss!

But you can't help but wonder... is it just another passing fad or a new essential in your nutrition arsenal? Is it right for you? What are the pros and cons? Which schedule is the best? Does it actually work for weight loss?

We're going to answer all that and more in...

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Episode 122: Starch... Superfood or Super Villain?

Oct 05, 2021

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When you hear the word starch, what do you think of? Pasta, bread, white rice? Weight gain? Blood sugar spikes?

Starch has gotten a bad rap, and in some instances for good reason. The starch in processed carbs breaks down into glucose and does spike blood sugar and contributes to diseases like diabetes and obesity. 

But just like not all carbs are created equal, not all starch is created equal.

Resistant starch is starch that acts like soluble fiber in that it isn't digested in the small intestine by...

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Episode 116: Go with the 'Flow': Following Your Cycle for Better Health and Weight Loss

Aug 17, 2021

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This is probably the most embarrassing story I could tell you, and believe me I never thought I would tell a soul, let alone put it out into the world in a podcast episode. But I really think we need to talk about it. 

Warning: if you're squeamish (especially about period stories), skip to the 'advice' section of the blog. 

It was about a month ago, it was day one of my cycle and I was hurting... bad. I've had cramps that have made me yack before, but nothing came close to what I was experiencing...

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Episode 110: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 2)

Jul 06, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and...

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Episode 109: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 1)

Jun 29, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and vivacious...

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