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Episode 230: Adventures in Dating an Avoidant

Apr 09, 2024

After my first few dates with Gym Crush, I thought I would be writing a very different story today. 

Over the course of the past few years and hundreds of dates, I've walked away from a lot of people because I know in my gut what it's supposed to feel like when you meet your person, and very few people have even come close. 

My friends often questioned me, assuming I was being overly picky, perfectionistic, or stuck on a fairytale. 

And then Gym Crush happened. 

I had seen him almost every day at Equinox for...

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Episode 215: 9 Habits of Highly Disciplined People (Part 2)

Oct 31, 2023

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Last week we started our conversation about how to become the type of person who still works out when they're tired, who still cooks when they're overwhelmed, who still goes to bed on time even when their favorite show ends with a cliff hanger and all they want to do is hit that 'next episode' button.

The long and short: how to develop the skill of discipline. 

We got into some really interesting conversations last week around just the first 3 tips, so click here to...

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Episode 187: 6 Journal Prompts to Reignite Your Motivation

Jan 31, 2023

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It's been exactly one month since the new year began and statistically 80% of people will bail on their resolutions in the next couple of weeks. 

But the buck stops here. We are going to reignite our motivation and keep trucking forward. We are going to be the 20%. We are going to dig deep and tap into our inner most desires and our brightest visions for our futures so we can continue making strides towards our goals even as the shininess of the new year wears off. 

But remember, it only...

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Episode 138: Kat Turned 30!!!

Feb 01, 2022

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Can I be honest with you?

I love sharing, and teaching, and coaching health (in all its aspects) to you because of course I want to help you reach your goals.

Of course I want to help you avoid the struggles and roadblocks I faced.

Of course I want to hear your wins and see your successes.

But it's also because teaching makes me feel confident, and powerful, and safe

When I'm in 'coaching mode' - as I usually am on this blog and in this podcast - there's a wall of protection around...

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Episode 135. A Year in Review: 5 Hard Lessons Kat Learned in 2021

Jan 11, 2022

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I wanted to spend the last couple of weeks preparing you to be successful with your new year's resolutions.

But before we launch into the next 12 months of learning and growing together, I wanted to pause and take a look back at 2021, and share with you some of the most important lessons I've learned. 

These are the tools, the realizations, the perspective shifts that were born of a year of therapy, a year of researching, and a year of trying a new approach to a lot of areas of my life.

I hope this...

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Episode 133: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Your New Year's Resolution

Dec 28, 2021

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OK so I know New Years resolutions have gotten a bad rap over the years, especially if they are directed at weight loss goals.

The statics aren't in your favor and you have likely experienced the disappointment of falling off the wagon come mid-February multiple times over.

But I have to be honest, I'm out here rooting for us to bring the new year's resolution back!

It's a fresh start, a new beginning, an opportunity unlike any other throughout the year to reflect on what you really want and make a sweeping...

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Episode 131: Setting Boundaries with Food-Pushers

Dec 07, 2021

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Raise your hand if this has happened to you...

You head into the holidays intent on maintaining the healthy habits you've been working on over the last 9 months.

You know how to make healthier treats, you've been practicing moderation, and you're excited to finally make it to the New Year without an extra 10 pounds of fluff around your midsection.

And then... you visit your family.

You walk in the door and before you've set your suitcase down your mom is pinching the skin on your hips asking if...

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Episode 84: 11 Lessons Learned from this Crazy-Ass Year

Jan 05, 2021

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2020. I'm sure you can relate when I say this year has tested me like no other year has. My business struggled to stay alive as the first wave of the pandemic hit. I went through a break up. I discovered I had anxiety. I got injured. I faced new health issues like losing my hair. And that's on top of dealing with the daily stress of covid numbers, living alone, and ya know, life. 

But this year I also did some massive inner healing. I began seeing a therapist. I developed a greater appreciation for all the...

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Episode 61: What to Do When You Feel Like Doing Nothing

Jul 28, 2020

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If there’s one word that can describe the recent weeks of quarantine living, it’s melancholy. I’ve felt it and I know you probably have too. Not knowing how long this new normal will last is daunting, we’ve organized our homes, made the sourdough, re-watched entire series, and still, here we sit. Bored, frustrated, and feeling less and less motivated to do much of anything. 

So what do you do from here, when getting off the couch feels like a chore in and of itself? How are you expected...

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Episode 59: 3 Weight Loss Hacks That Have Nothing to Do with Diet or Exercise

Jul 14, 2020

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My obsession with diet, exercise, and my body weight started at a very early age. I remember devouring nutrition and fitness articles in middle school. Following my mom’s workout DVDs before I was 13 years old. Analyzing the small layer of fat around my midsection in the mirrors of my dance studio at 11 years old.

And yet, I would still spend the next 10 years living in a body I hated.

No matter how obsessed I got about what exercises I should do or what diet I should follow, I just couldn’t stick with a...

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