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Episode 262: 33 Lessons in 33 Years (Part 2)

Feb 04, 2025

Last week we started a really fun conversation about the 33 lessons I've picked up over the last 33 years. So often I'm in 'coach mode' sharing the facts and figures about how to be healthy.

But if you want to get a little more personal and hear some of the stories that have shaped me, the way I think, and the way I show up for you, all filters are down for these episodes. If you missed last week, start here. Otherwise dive right in to part 2!

12. The biggest wounds often launch the most powerful healing. 

13. Stop...

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Episode 261: 33 Lessons in 33 Years (Part 1)

Jan 28, 2025

On January 19th I turned 33 and it was admittedly an interesting one. 

Did I allow myself a moment at the beginning of the day to mourn the life I thought I’d have by 33 - the house, the husband, the kids? Sure did. 

But then I decided the theme of the day was to follow the joy. 

The joy brought me to my favorite coffee shop with a fantastic book. 

The joy brought me to a reflexology massage and True Food lunch with my friend Brooke. 

The joy brought 6 wonderful women over to my home for a pajama party. These...

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Episode 230: Adventures in Dating an Avoidant

Apr 09, 2024

After my first few dates with Gym Crush, I thought I would be writing a very different story today. 

Over the course of the past few years and hundreds of dates, I've walked away from a lot of people because I know in my gut what it's supposed to feel like when you meet your person, and very few people have even come close. 

My friends often questioned me, assuming I was being overly picky, perfectionistic, or stuck on a fairytale. 

And then Gym Crush happened. 

I had seen him almost every day at Equinox for...

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Episode 225: 14 Hard Lessons I Learned In 3.5 Years of Singlehood (Part 2)

Feb 20, 2024

We are jumping right back into our conversation from last week's Valentine's Day episode where I'm sharing my most hard-earned lessons from 3.5 years of singlehood and over 200 dates! If you didn't catch the first episode, click here to take a listen!

8. Relationships are not meant to make you comfortable all the time. They're meant to expose the unhealed parts of you that still need tending while holding space for you to work through those parts. And that's hard. 

I do not have better words than this quote...

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Episode 171: 6 Lessons I Learned from 30 Days of Meditating

Sep 27, 2022

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I have a confession to make...

I am a holistic health coach and I have always struggled with maintaining a regular meditation practice. 

Even though I know the endless benefits proven by study after study (which we cover in depth in this episode). 

Even though I've always had a gut feeling nudging me towards more intentional meditation.

Even though I've experienced the benefits of doing meditation-like activities like going on long walks, coloring, and yoga. 

The practice of...

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Episode 142: Lessons From My Therapist

Mar 01, 2022

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I thought I had my shit together. 

I mean honestly... I had stopped dating assholes, I was a generally pretty happy person, I had a thriving business, and a good family. 

So why the hell did I need to see a therapist?

Because somewhere along the way I realized fear was running almost every part of my life.

Sure on the outside everything seemed fine, even to me!

But upon closer inspection (which let's face it, the pandemic kind of forced us into such reflection), I realized that I...

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Episode 138: Kat Turned 30!!!

Feb 01, 2022

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Can I be honest with you?

I love sharing, and teaching, and coaching health (in all its aspects) to you because of course I want to help you reach your goals.

Of course I want to help you avoid the struggles and roadblocks I faced.

Of course I want to hear your wins and see your successes.

But it's also because teaching makes me feel confident, and powerful, and safe

When I'm in 'coaching mode' - as I usually am on this blog and in this podcast - there's a wall of protection around...

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Episode 135. A Year in Review: 5 Hard Lessons Kat Learned in 2021

Jan 11, 2022

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I wanted to spend the last couple of weeks preparing you to be successful with your new year's resolutions.

But before we launch into the next 12 months of learning and growing together, I wanted to pause and take a look back at 2021, and share with you some of the most important lessons I've learned. 

These are the tools, the realizations, the perspective shifts that were born of a year of therapy, a year of researching, and a year of trying a new approach to a lot of areas of my life.

I hope this...

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Episode 84: 11 Lessons Learned from this Crazy-Ass Year

Jan 05, 2021

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2020. I'm sure you can relate when I say this year has tested me like no other year has. My business struggled to stay alive as the first wave of the pandemic hit. I went through a break up. I discovered I had anxiety. I got injured. I faced new health issues like losing my hair. And that's on top of dealing with the daily stress of covid numbers, living alone, and ya know, life. 

But this year I also did some massive inner healing. I began seeing a therapist. I developed a greater appreciation for all the...

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