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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 227: 4 Steps to Living Symptom Free with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Part 2)

Mar 05, 2024

Last week I shared the first two steps of living a symptom-free life with Hashimoto's. These are the steps I parsed down from 2 decades of my own trial and error, literally hundreds of hours of research, time working with a number of functional medicine practitioners, over a decade of working 1:1 with clients, and expanding my knowledge with programs like Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, Gut Honest Truth Academy, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and Functional Nutrition Alliance. 

I wish I had a shortcut when I was first...

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Episode 164: Weight Loss and Your Liver... The Connection You Never Knew About

Aug 02, 2022

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This podcast/blog is alllll about getting to the actual root of stubborn weight.

Because far too many people are gaslit and shamed about their weight struggles.

They're made to feel like they need to starve themselves to get results.

Or like their body is simply broken and they'll never be able to have the body they want.

Or like they're just plain stupid and don't know how to count calories. 

Well the buck stops here. 

If you've truly put in the effort to not just follow diets, but to...

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