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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 148: How to Eat More Produce Without It Going to Waste

Apr 12, 2022

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We all know we should be eating more fruits and vegetables, right? They're low in calories and high in nutrients, fiber, and water... basically the perfect weight loss food AND there is no better fuel for your gut health.
But I constantly hear from my clients how any time they load up on produce, half of it ends up rotting in their fridge and going to waste.
So today we're going to fix that with some simple shopping, cooking, and storing hacks so you can feeling confident filling your...
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Episode 139: Kat's Clients Reveal The Best Advice That Worked For Them

Feb 08, 2022

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It's one thing to hear a nutrition coach rattling off advice on how to get healthy when clearly, that's not something they struggle with (at least not anymore). 

It can sometimes feel generic, or one-size-fits-all, or good in theory but not realistic for your life.

And the truth is, while part of my job is to share what I've learned through years of education and my own experience, a bigger part of my job is to help people navigate their individual personalities, preferences, and...

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Episode 119: Breakfast... To Eat Or Not To Eat??

Sep 14, 2021

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There's a lot of conversation (and confusion) about the first meal of the day... breakfast.

For a long time you were told never to skip it.

Now you're told to cut it out completely.

Some argue you need it to rev your metabolism for the day.

Others would say a longer fast means more fat is burned. 

What's the truth?? 

Well if you know me, you probably know my answer is going to be somewhere in the middle and I'm going to say it differs from person to person (I know, I know, I can hear the groan of...

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Episode 102: Overeating: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

May 11, 2021

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Do you ever feel out of control around food? You know you should watch your portions and eat mindfully, but you can't help it. One spoonful after another, long after your body is satisfied, you continue to shovel. 

Maybe it starts with your dinner. Then you want something crunchy and salty so you mow through a bag of chips. But then you need something sweet to balance it out so you plow through a sleeve of Oreos. And before you know it, you're flopped on the couch, groaning in discomfort with your jeans...

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Episode 77: LIVE Q&A with Kat On How to Finally Lose Stubborn Weight (Without Starving Yourself)

Nov 17, 2020

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  • I eat clean, count my calories, workout, and the weight still isn't coming off. What more could I possible do?

    I think my metabolism is messed up, is there anything I can do to fix it?

    Every time I try to lose weight I self sabotage. How do I make myself stop?!

    How badly does alcohol inhibit my weight loss?

    What's the best diet to lose weight?

    Last month I held a live training in my private Facebook group all about how to finally break through when those extra, unwanted pounds seem to be holding on for...

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