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Episode 101: Realistic Health Advice for Busy-Ass Mamas with Natalie Peterson

May 04, 2021

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To all the mommas out there, you are seen and appreciated! This episode and article are just for you. Being a parent is hard. It is thankless, wonderful work. You give all day long to your kids and only get a break when you are sleeping.

Because of this dynamic, it can be that much harder to focus on your health and happiness. But it doesn’t make it any less important. And the good news is, there are solutions.

I'm Natalie Peterson, Mom of 2 girls (4 and 10 months), Health & Happiness Coach for Women in...

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Episode 96: Is Your Weight Set Point Keeping You Stuck?

Mar 30, 2021

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Do you ever feel like your body is legitimately fighting against your weight loss efforts? Like every pound is a struggle to lose, and even if you do hit your goal weight, just a slight deviation in your diet or a week off of working out sends the scale soaring back up?

You're not crazy, what you're experiencing is weight set point. 

What is weight set point?

Your body has an intrinsic weight that it likes to hover around (plus or minus a few pounds) that is determined at birth. But over the course of years of...

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Anniversary Episode (52): Weight Loss Success Stories to Inspire You to START!

May 26, 2020

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Have you been thinking about trying to lose weight, attempting to tone up, or trying your hand at becoming the fittest version of yourself? But... 

You're nervous. You've been burned in the past, you don't want to fail again, you're afraid of the amount of work it'll take, and you aren't sure if you'll be able to maintain your results if you do finally hit your goal weight?

All I can say is, every successful client I have started exactly where you are right now. They had all the same fears, all...

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Episode 28: 10 Reasons I'll Never Go Keto

Dec 10, 2019

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What is keto?

It's a diet made up of approximately 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs with the intention of putting your body into ketosis where it burns fat as its primary source of fuel. It sounds like a great idea... until you realize what it actually does to your body. 

10 Reasons You Can Count Me Out:

1. It's utterly unnecessary.

- People are singing keto's praises because of its weight loss effects. But keto is not some magical diet, it's simply forcing you into a calorie deficit by all but eliminating an ...

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Whole30 Bang Bang Shrimp Stir Fry

Mar 12, 2019

I often get asked if I "cheat" on my diet, and if I do, how much??

Well I like to say, I don't cheat, I just eat. It's true. I don't approach my nutrition like I'm on a diet, I just eat the things that I know make me feel the best and don't bother with the stuff that makes me feel like crap.

The thing is, a lot of people seem to think that means I never get to "have fun" with my food. Quite the contrary! All it takes is a little imagination and a Google search for me to find healthier ways of including those mouth watering meals when I...

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Healthy Fetuccini Alfredo?!

Jan 08, 2019

I don't know the last time I was this excited about a dish...

 I rarely have cravings for gluten and dairy-laden dishes anymore, but this New Year's Eve I was struck with this ridiculous desire for fetuccini alfredo (a dish I probably haven't had in 15 years), and I was determined to find a recipe I could actually eat.

Guys. This recipe was so freaking good, you could've fooled me that it was the real deal! Plus it literally took less than 20 minutes to make.

And I have to tell you, the sauce was so incredible, I poured it over my...

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Whole30 Dill Zoodles with Baked Salmon

Nov 29, 2018

I'm a girl of habit and can get in the same food routine very easily. So it makes me exceptionally happy when I venture out, try a new recipe, and love it enough to add it to my "regulars" list.

This Whole30 baked salmon and dill zoodles recipe, which I found on, can be served hot as a "pasta" dish or cold as a salad, and tastes just as good either way.

It's very bright and zesty in flavor and has a beautiful mix of textures. Bon appetit!


2 large zucchini, spirilized or shredded into noodles (I...

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5 Ways to Know if You're on the "Right" Diet

Nov 28, 2018

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked the question, "What's the 'best' diet??"

And I'm willing to bet, in the midst of the hailstorm of information out there, you've asked yourself that very same question. 

I too have been in that spot, tearing my hair out trying to decipher truth from fiction as I hear a million different things from a million different experts.

Which is why I wanted to write today's post, to help you decipher the diet that is best for you. Because, as I've told you before, what works for one person...

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5 Fixes for Chronic Low Energy

Nov 07, 2018

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It seems the ever present assumption... as you get older, you get more run down, more tired, more stressed, and there's really not much you can do about it. It's called "adulting" right?

Even I fell into this trap for a few years. It struck me early, hitting hardest in my early twenties. I constantly felt tired; I couldn't even fathom the idea of waking up without an alarm, let alone waking up feeling energized for the day ahead. I assumed, as many do, that it was just the ever growing...

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15 Faster Than Fast Food, Healthy Meal Options

Oct 08, 2018

When stress is high, time is low, and even thinking about what to put together on a plate is panic inducing, I totally understand why fast food seems like the most obvious option. It's convenient, it's cheap, and well... it's fast. 

But you and I both know that if living a healthy lifestyle, weight loss, and/or increased energy are the goals, fast food is not the way to get there.

But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes (or more often than not) even 20 or 30 minutes in the kitchen preparing a meal is too much...

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