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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 111: Life Changing Journal Prompts to Get Out of Your Own Way

Jul 13, 2021

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What's my #1 tool for getting out of my own way when trying to achieve big goals?

Journaling. I know it’s cheesy, and self-helpy, and therapisty to say, but it FREAKING WORKS.

More often than not what holds us back is the autopilot thoughts and habits that play on repeat day after day.

The magic of journaling is it forces us to take a step back, to question those limiting beliefs and actions, to get an outside perspective on our own lives, and to more clearly see the way OUT.

But I know journaling can be...

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Episode 79: Harnessing the Powerful of Mindfulness to Stop Overeating

Dec 01, 2020

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Raise your hand if you’re part of the clean plate club! 

Raise 2 hands if you’re part of the 2 clean plates club! 

I GET it. Our lifestyles are set up perfectly to turn us into total food-aholics.

Our fast-paced, over-scheduled lives have us shoveling food so fast we barely even taste it.

We’re encouraged by movies to binge food for comfort (who else has been the cliche eating a tub of ice cream after a breakup?).

And diet culture perpetuates our yoyo-ing between eating half a carrot for...

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Episode 70: 3 Steps to Ditch Diets and Find Food Freedom with Intuitive Eating

Sep 29, 2020

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If I told you that you can have the body you've always wanted without cutting out your favorite food, without counting calories, and without starving yourself, how would you feel?

My guess? Skeptical as fuck. 

It sounds way too good to be true, right? Especially if even the strictest of diets hasn't brought you the results you want. 

I know when I used to diet hop, I figured if x diet didn't work, it just meant that I needed to be that much more disciplined, I needed to cut out ...

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