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Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 235: What Your Stubborn Thyroid Weight Is Trying to Tell You

Jun 04, 2024

 If you're hypothyroid, standard weight loss advice probably pisses you off...

Some gym bro on the Internet is telling you to just eat less, workout harder, track your macros, and only eat during x hours.

Been there, done that. It isn’t. fucking. working.

In fact, if you're following that advice, it's probably pushing you deeper into your plateau. But we'll get to that in a minute.

This is why I decided to create my ‘Why Can’t I Lose Weight Nutrition Intensive’. To not only give clarity as to why...

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Episode 150: Can Food Sensitivities Impact Your Weight??

Apr 26, 2022

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When I was a young dancer, all I wanted was the body to match the hobby.
I looked at the toned abs of my older sister with envy and lamented the soft stomach I saw highlighted in my leotard.
At the time I was dancing regularly and working out outside of classes. I was constantly reading nutrition books, jumping on and off diets, promising myself I wouldn't eat pretzels, carbs, sugar, fill-in-the-blank. 
It seemed no matter what I did, I would never have the body I dreamed...
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Episode 144: What Causes Weight Loss Plateaus and How to Break Through

Mar 15, 2022

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Weight loss plateaus. 

They are annoying. Frustrating. Defeating. Discouraging. And all around sucky. 

They also are inevitable on any weight loss journey, so instead of fighting the unavoidable, let's understand why they happen and what you can do to get that scale moving again (without doing anything you're going to regret later).

Why do plateaus happen?

When you start to lose weight you tend to lose it quickly because - spoiler alert - a good amount of it is water weight. Initially your body...

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Episode 126: 10 Fitness Mistakes That Are Inhibiting Your Weight Loss

Nov 02, 2021

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So you finally did it! After hemming and hawing for weeks, you finally got up the motivation to start a workout routine.

You got a cute new workout outfit, you found a gym, class, or program you're ready to commit to, you got your hair in that high messy bun that says you mean business, and you are ready to get in there and prove to those mean girls from high school you do NOT have cankles!

But a month later, you've only lost a pound and feel that hyped up motivation slipping through your...

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Episode 124: Is Sugar REALLY That Bad?? (Halloween Edition)

Oct 19, 2021

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It was the first week of November, 2003. I was 11 years old and had my stash of Halloween candy stuffed into the corner of my closet.

I was old enough that my mom didn't throw part of it away or moderate my intake, so I did what a lot of kids would do at one of their first chances at unlimited candy... I ate it. All of it. 

Each night after dinner when everyone had gone to bed, I would pull out the giant bag, put it on my bed, and eat while watching Nick at Night. 

This was the first time I ever abused...

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Episode 120: Should You Be Eating for Your Metabolic Type?

Sep 21, 2021

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Have you ever heard of the body type diet or the metabolic type diet?

Or maybe you've heard the terms 'ectomorphs', 'endomorphs', or 'mesomorphs' thrown around on social media or in your local gym. 

If so, you may have some questions like one of our awesome podcast listeners did, such as: what's the actual science behind it? And is it a useful thing to know and rely on in a better health journey?

So the truth is, in the 40's a psychologist by the name of Doctor William Sheldon came up with the 3...

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Episode 104: 5 Hard Facts You Need to Know About Weight Loss

May 25, 2021

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Have you ever gone on a weight loss journey and had a freak out moment because...

The scale went up even though you were doing everything right.

Or you self-sabotaged and ate a whole pizza after you were so good all week.

Or you felt your motivation drop and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

The reason we freak out is because we feel these things are not supposed to happen and it leaves us feeling totally out of...

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Episode 67: 5 Surprising Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working (And How to Fix It)

Sep 08, 2020

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I can’t begin to tell you how many women have come to me who have tried every diet under the sun who feel like no matter how hard they try, the weight just is never coming off.

After years of watching others find success on the very diets that failed them, they wonder if it’s just… them. They wonder if they’re just getting old, or their genetics are working against them, or they’re simply destined to a life of feeling fluffy. 

If you can relate, I’m going to assure you right now:...

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Episode 59: 3 Weight Loss Hacks That Have Nothing to Do with Diet or Exercise

Jul 14, 2020

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My obsession with diet, exercise, and my body weight started at a very early age. I remember devouring nutrition and fitness articles in middle school. Following my mom’s workout DVDs before I was 13 years old. Analyzing the small layer of fat around my midsection in the mirrors of my dance studio at 11 years old.

And yet, I would still spend the next 10 years living in a body I hated.

No matter how obsessed I got about what exercises I should do or what diet I should follow, I just couldn’t stick with a...

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Episode 56: Could Your Weight Loss Plateau Be Stress Induced?

Jun 23, 2020

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This week, I hopped on a call with a woman who I'm guessing you may relate to. She was frustrated by a sudden weight gain after having maintained her weight for 7 years. And it seemed no matter how hard she tried, nothing was working to get it back off.

She went from fasting for 18 hours per day to fasting 21 hours per day (and felt like shit while not dropping an ounce). She was working out hard 6 days per week. She was only eating 500-600 calories per day. She felt like it was hopeless, like she...

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