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Episode 65: How to Eat Clean When You Have Picky Kids (And You Don't Want to Make 2 Separate Meals Each Night)

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This one is for my badass warrior mama’s out there who are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, who are filling all the roles for all the people, and who are holding their own health and wellbeing together by the skin of their teeth.

I may not be a mom. But I’ve worked with many, and I know while you may KNOW you need to eat more plants and less processed foods in order to lose weight and maintain your energy for your hectic life, it can feel next to impossible as you try to feed the pallets of little kids all day long. 

You may start the day with the best of intentions, but end up shoveling some dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets down your throat as you plead with them to take just 3 bites of the now cold peas you prepared. 

Which is why in today's episode, I’m sharing the exact list I gave to my client who is a single, working mom of 3 who was having a tough time fitting in her own nutritious foods while her kids were picky eaters. 

This list will help you supercharge your meals (and maybe even sneak a few veggies by your kids) without you having to create entirely separate menus any time you want to enjoy a healthy meal. 

Feel free to take these first 5 and run with them, or listen in to the full episode to get a bonus THREE!

  1. Add a loaded side salad (add a wide variety of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans).
  2. Make one big batch of a veggie based stew in a slow cooker and reheat throughout the week as an easy, veggie-loaded side.
  3. Get the morning going with a superfood shake! Start with a more fruit-heavy blend for your kids, then add some veggies and re-blend for yourself.
  4. Add 'plant boosters' to your meals. Think a sprinkle of hemp, chia, or flax seeds over your peanut butter and banana, or broccoli sprouts over your sandwich, or fresh herbs over your pasta.
  5. Make veggies, just add kid-friendly toppings to make them more appealing (broccoli with lemon for you, broccoli with cheese for the kids).

Now print this list out and hang it on your fridge so you don't forget!


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