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Episode 29: Trials and Tribulations of Finding (and Following) Your True Calling with Ashley-Lane

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"Why don't you just take some time, and think about what you would want to do if you didn't have to do anything."

"If you're having fun in the journey, in the setting up of what you're doing, I think then you know you're on the right path. Like, if the nitty gritty stuff can be enjoyable and you're waking up excited about the next step and figuring it out, then you know it's a passion and not something you 'have' to do."

"I have fallen, and I know I can get back up, and I think a lot of it comes down to, if you've never jumped, if you've never taken a leap, and you've always played it safe, that mountain gets higher and higher.... [but] you need to have faith that you're strong enough to make it work."

"Maybe you're not ready to leave your corporate job, but could you start your website, could you start that blog, could you start putting stuff out there and seeing if you could gain some traction instead of just sitting on your ideas and waiting for everything to be perfect to put it out into the world." 

"When you have two concepts and you start talking about one and the speed of your voice picks up and you start smiling and you start getting this energy, that's the one you should do."

"If you want to figure out what you want to do, it's not so much about the 'end result' of what occupation you pick, it's about asking 'what do I want my life and world to look like?' What's we know what it's going to look like, then let's reverse engineer that into figuring out what it is you're going to do."

Want more of Ashley-Lane? You can find her at or You can also find her on Instagram at


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